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Εμφάνιση 451-465 από 1622
  1. #451
    For what it's worth, υλικό απο το αρχείο του Wilbert Smith, ο οποίος ήταν επικεφαλής του UFO Project της Καναδικής κυβέρνησης μεταξύ 1950-1954. Ο οποίος ήταν μηχανικός (MS EEng) και ειχε θέσεις στην Καναδική ΕΕΤΤ.

    Υπάρχουν μερικά πράγματα στο κείμενο και στη συνέντευξη που δεν μου "κάθονται" και τόσο καλά (π.χ. πως βγαίνουν τα ποσοστά στις πιθανότητες - θα πει βεβαια κανείς οτι και στην εξίσωση Drake τα νουμερα είναι εντελως αυθαίρετα).

    Ωστόσο το στέλνω κι ας το κρίνει ο καθένας μας κι ας βγάλει τα δικά του συμπεράσματα. Θυμιζω πάντως ότι μιλάμε για το 1950-1960 και το επιπεδο γνώσεων της εποχής,

    Project Magnet

    Magnet was the official flying saucer investigation by the Canadian government. It was headed up for the four years it was operational by Wilbert Smith. The program began after Smith wrote a Top Secret memo to the Deputy Minister of Transport for Air services C.P. Edwards, and the Assistant Minister J.R. Baldwin.

    The Top Secret memo described a possible new propulsion system powered by the earth’s magnetic field. Smith felt that this was the principle being demonstrated by the flying saucers.

    In a series of "discreet inquiries" in the United States Smith was able to discover five key points about flying saucers, based on what he was told about the American flying saucer program.

    1) The matter of UFOs was the most highly classified subject in the US, rating higher than the H-bomb
    2) Flying saucers exist
    3) Their modus operandi is unknown, but concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush, (Of 'MJ12' fame)
    4) The entire matter is considered by US authorities to be of tremendous significance.
    5) There were a number of other things including "mental phenomena" that were being studies because of their possible link to the saucers.

    Project Magnet Interim Report

    Classified 1953. Not declassified till 1979. The conclusions of the report were as follows:

    Based on strict statistical analysis Smith team determined that there was a 91% probability that the objects are real, and a 60% probability that they are alien vehicles.

    The report sat on the Prime Minister’s desk for three months. At the end of the period Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent determined that the time for the release of such a report was not right, and Wilbert Smith apparently went along with the decision.

    1959 Smith wrote to a man who was attempting to pry the Project Magnet report loose. Smith wrote "You will recall last March that I didn’t think you had the proverbial snowball’s chance of prying it loose. No minister in his right mind is going to release ANY report which in any way might prove embarrassing or give rise to questions which he or his colleagues might find difficult to answer.

    Συνεντευξη του το 1961 (πεθανε ενα χρόνο μετά το 1962, 52 ετων):
    In a just recovered 1961 interview with television station CJOH, the former head of the official Canadian Government UFO investigation, Wilbert Smith, was asked a number of questions about what he had learned during his days of investigating flying saucers for the government. Among the many questions was one about whether or not communication had taken place “between space people and people of this planet,” and if communication had occurred – how was it done?

    The question of communication addressed to Smith was important, not only because he headed up the official government investigation into UFOs from 1950 – 1954, but because Smith was one of the foremost communications experts of the day.

    Smith worked as the chief radio engineer for the Canadian government, going on in 1956 to head up the countries radio regulations department. More importantly, he was in charge of monitoring 50,000 radio frequencies in Canada, and ran the Top Secret “Radio Ottawa” where spies would radio in to intelligence services.

    Smith’s reply to the interviewer regarding the subject of talking to aliens was positive.

    “Some of the communications have been on a face-to-face basis but I have not been so honored myself. Some of the communications have been by ordinary radio, and I have received a few messages by this means. But by far the majority of the communications are by what we call Tensor Beam transmission, which uses a type of radio with which we are only vaguely familiar, and which I couldn’t possibly attempt to describe now. However, the mental images of the person wishing to transmit are picked up electrically amplified and modulated into a tensor beam, which is directed to the person to whom the transmission is addressed, and within whose brain the mental images are recreated. The transmissions are therefore very precise, and independent of language. I have had some experience with these transmissions myself and can say that they are like nothing within the conventional experiences of earth people.”

    In the rest of the interview Wilbert Smith discusses what the aliens look like, the effect of the extraterrestrial idea on religion, secrecy, and a number of other topics. It should be noted in the interview that Wilbert Smith never used the word UFO. This is because from the very beginning Smith was aware that the phenomena was extraterrestrial, and that UFO was a word developed by the U.S.A.F. in 1952 to muddy the waters for investigators. According to Smith’s son Jim Smith, shortly before his death in 1962 Wilbert called his son in, and told him that he had in fact seen the alien bodies from a crash, and had been shown a crashed flying saucer outside of Washington D.C., while conducting the official Canadian investigation. The 1961 interview continues.

    Q: Do you believe that flying saucers are real?

    A: Yes. I am convinced that they are just as real and tangible as most things we deal with in our every day lives.

    Q: Why do you think they are real?

    A: Because thousands of people have seen them, many under circumstances, which virtually preclude misinterpretation, many of these sightings have been coordinated with radar fixes. Photographs have been taken and physical evidence has been accumulated.

    Q: Have you ever seen a flying saucer yourself?

    A: I have seen several objects which I concluded were flying saucers simply because they couldn’t be anything else.

    Q: Would you please describe such a sighting?

    A; Last year, I think it was August 16, (Echo 1 was launched August 12, 1960) right after the launching of Echo I, my wife and I, and a couple of friends, were outside sky-gazing to see the passage of Echo 1 which was due about ten minutes to nine. At about a quarter to nine a bright object came from the south at an apparent speed about twice the expected speed of echo, and traveled almost due north. As it approached, and when viewed through binoculars, it appeared to be a steady brilliant white light with a flashing electric blue light superimposed on it. At first the rate of flashing was not apparent as it was above the flicker frequency, but as it approached the frequency of the flicker slowed down until it was about one per second as it passed overhead. As it proceeded northward it suddenly made a sharp right hand turn and headed due west and disappeared into the western sky, with the blue light still flashing. There was no noise and the apparent speed was about the same as a jet flying at 10,000 feet. About five or so minutes later Echo 1 sailed majestically into view from the southwest as much less than half the apparent speed of the previous object.

    Q: Where you able to see any shape of the object?

    A: No. Just a bright white light, with the intense blue light with it.

    Q: You said earlier that there was physical evidence, and that pictures existed supporting the reality of flying saucers. Would you please explain?

    A: There have been over a hundred books and very many magazines published in the last ten or twelve years, the majority of which are predominately accounts of sightings, pictures, and descriptions of the physical evidence, which has accumulated. In the limited time available I could not possibly cover more than one or two such cases. However, here are a couple of interesting ones. (Two book quotes)

    Q: Have you, yourself actually handled any material believed to be from a flying saucer?

    A: If by that you mean material substance showing evidence of fabrication through intelligent effort and not originating on this planet, I have. But I cannot say from my own knowledge that it was ever part of a flying saucer. Unfortunately, most of my contacts in this direction were through classified channels, which for some particular reason, which I could never fathom, insisted in “Classifying” these matters, and I am not at liberty to discuss them further.

    Q: What about pictures?

    A: I am naturally very skeptical about pictures since they are so very easy to fake, so unless I have taken the picture myself and participated in its developing, I would not like to offer any of them as authentic. I have taken a few myself, but I’m afraid that they are not very impressive. There are however, many pictures available, which, whether they are fakes or not, do check quite well with the many visual descriptions. Here are a few. (Shows a few photographs)

    Q: How long have you been studying flying saucers?

    A: I suppose I have always known that there were other intelligent beings in the universe other than ourselves, and that sooner or later they would visit us. In 1947 when the first wide spread publicity on flying saucers came about, I thought this was something worth thinking about and maybe investigating. However, I didn’t get around to active participation until 1950, when I was attending a rather slow-moving broadcasting conference in Washington D.C. and having some free time on my hands, I circulated around asking a few questions about flying saucers, which stirred up a hornet’s nest. I found that the U.S. government had a highly classified project set up to study them, so I reasoned that with so much smoke maybe I should look for the fire. So I set about gathering as much sighting data as I could get a hold of and analyzing it, from which I concluded that there was a 91% probability that the saucers were real, and a 60% probability that they were alien craft of some kind.

    Q: What is the “official” view of flying saucers?

    A: I don’t even know if there is one, in Canada. In the United States there have been so many contradictory statements made that I doubt if anyone could sort them out. However, I don’t think it really matters much anyway because the saucers are here and our opinions regarding them are not going to change matters. It has been my experience that no one who takes even a little time to study the evidence available publicly remains skeptic very long. This is quite apart from those who have had access and studied the larger files of evidence collected by private and semi-official organizations.

    Q: How widespread is the interest in flying saucers?

    A: I really don’t know, but I think that most people are prepared to take them in their stride, along with atomic energy and earth circling satellites. I have encountered very few really died in the wool skeptics. Judging from the large number of saucer clubs, one or two in each city, and the number of publications available I would say that the interest was considerable.

    Q: Since you say that you have been active in the study of flying saucers for over ten years, what have you found out about them?

    A: that is a tall order and would take a good many hours. Most of it is available in reliable bookstores anyway, so I only propose to cover the highlights here. There is much evidence that people who build and fly flying saucers are people very much like us. They have been seen on many occasions and there are many claims of personal contact having been established with them. Communications with these people tell us that they are our distant relatives; that we are descendants of their colonists on this planet, and that they still regard us as brothers even though we don’t often act like it. There is much evidence that the technology of these people is quite a bit ahead of ours, and that through study of the behavior of the saucers and from the alleged communications we have been able to piece together some of this technology, and it is amazing to say the least. We are informed that these people are really civilized, in that they regard all men as brothers; that they do not have wars, and live under conditions of personal freedom of which we cannot conceive.

    Q: Have you any indication of why the saucers are here at this time?

    A: there is much evidence in history, legend and the Bible, that flying saucers have visited this planet on many occasions in the past and that the present visitation is nothing new; it is simply a bit more intense than in the past and we have better news dissemination means now. I think that these people from elsewhere are concerned with our playing with atomic energy, and about our plans for space travel and interplanetary exploration and conquest. I am sure that they do not hold us in very high esteem, and are worried about what we might do if we ever got loose in space armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons.

    Q: Have you any ideas about how flying saucers operate?

    A: As I said before, the technology of these people from elsewhere is quite a bit ahead of ours, and they have an understanding of the realities of this universe that we are just approaching. We have started at the effects and speculated towards the causes, whereas they started at the cause and worked towards the effects, with the result that they are not nearly so self-limited in science as we are.

    Our observations indicate that the saucers can hover indefinitely in one place, or they can dart off with very high accelerations. Also, they can change direction quickly; all this with utter disregard of the laws of inertia, as we understand them. From this we conclude that they must understand these laws better that we do and have found ways of getting around the situation. Our own work along these lines, aided by tips from outside, indicates that the trick is through gravity control wherein the earth’s gravity field is bent to accommodate the action required.

    Q: That sounds quite technical, but could you explain it further.

    A: I’m afraid not, and I am sure that you will appreciate the reasons, which should be fairly obvious.

    Q: I know this may be a hot question, but how do you think flying saucers affect religion?

    A: As far as I can determine, these people from elsewhere are a great deal more religious than we are. They believe in a Supreme Creator, the brotherhood and divinity of Man, and a plan for the evolution of all. To these people, their religion is a matter of daily reality, not just Sunday profession, and they certainly seem to practice what we preach. I can find no contradictions with any of the religions of this planet.

    Q: Do you have any idea where these people come from?

    A: I am informed trough the many alleged contacts that these people come from everywhere; that there is no place in the universe where men can live that he does not live.

    Q: How about traveling about in the universe? Doesn’t it take a terribly long time?

    A: I am afraid our ideas about certain things are due for a severe revision in the not to distant future. I am informed that time is not at all what we think it is, but is in fact variable. Also, that the velocity of light is not at all a limiting velocity. It merely appears so to us because we can’t see any faster. I understand that these people from elsewhere can and do travel about a great deal and I’m sure they don’t take years and years to do it.

    Q: You seem to have a great deal of inside information about these things; what are you doing about it? Are you bringing it to the attention of the scientists?

    A: I have made no secret of the information with which I am entrusted, and will gladly pass it on to anyone who is sincerely interested and wants to learn. But I feel that I have no obligation whatsoever to force this knowledge on anyone or to interfere in his or her chosen pattern of thinking. I know these things to be true, and all the opinions to the contrary aren’t going to change things. When the time is right they will be accepted. In the meantime, I am NOT a missionary. I am concentrating my efforts on increasing my own understanding and the understanding of those who work with me in this area.


    I wish to thank Nick Balaskas who recovered this interview from the files of the late Wilbert Smith. The Smith files are held in the nation’s capitol at the University of Ottawa.

    Πηγη: http://www.presidentialufo.com/smith_interview.htm
    Τελευταία επεξεργασία από το μέλος dhatz : 01-12-06 στις 15:35.
    Προβολή της Ελλάδας στο Facebook εγγραφείτε και προσκαλέστε τους φίλους σας

    Greece: 2,500 years past its prime! "Ancient Greece was the birthplace of art, science, democracy, medicine, poetry, and philosophy. Today, however, the nation has more important things to do than contribute to the advancement of the human race." -- The Onion atlas' country profile for Greece

  2. #452
    Παράθεση Αρχικό μήνυμα από MNP-10 Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων
    Παντως μια φορα που ειδα UFO, ενιωσα ενα σχετικο δεος / ανατριχιασα. Και ας μην ηταν τιποτα φοβερο.. εβγαινα στο μπαλκονι και εκεινη την ωρα συνειδητοποιησα οτι ακριβως απο πανω υπαρχει ενα ufo που κινειται σε μεγαλο υψος, με τεραστια ταχυτητα κανοντας σπειροειδη κινηση. Καπως ετσι:


    Αλλα με μεγαλο ευρος σπειρας και κοντα η μια με την αλλη. Αν ηταν ανθρωπινη κατασκευη, αυτες οι στροφες θα διελυαν οτιδηποτε ανθρωπινο.. μιλαμε για πανω απο 100G επιταχυνσεων
    Επειδή ΠΡΟΦΑΝΩΣ δεν μπορεί να είδες αυτό που είδες, διότι τέτοια πράγματα δεν υπάρχουν, ήσουν θύμα των πειραμάτων ελέγχου συνείδησης της CIA... είτε είδες την Αφροδίτη/μετεωρίτη/πουλιά/συννεφο/κλπ (για να αστειευτούμε λιγακι με τους φίλους οπαδούς της Επίπεδης Γης).

    Σοβαρά τώρα, αν αναφέρεσαι για κίνηση στον κάθετο άξονα (οπως το δείχνεις, κι όχι οριζόντιο v^v^v ) τότε η κίνηση που περιγράφεις είναι γνωστή σαν corkscrew (από το σχήμα τιρμπουσόν που βγαζουμε το πωμα απο μποτίλια κρασιου) και εχει αναφερθεί πολλές φορές.

    Παντως, τα πιο ενδιαφέροντα περιστατικά θεασης UFO είναι προφανώς αυτά που το UFO είναι σε απόσταση αναπνοής λιγων μέτρων, που βλεπεις σχήμα, χρώμα και πως κινείται, οπως των παιδιων που εστειλα χτες. Μια θεαση UFO ομοια με τη δική τους και του Rendlesham forest στην Αγγλία το 1980 (σχήμα πυραμιδο-ειδές, κιτρινωπό χρώμα κλπ):

    Report 2

    My brother, his friend and I saw an orange pyramid-shaped object in the sky about 25 yards away from us and about 25 yards up.

    We were kids at the time, but my recollections are for the most part vivid. 1st Object: Estimated height was about 7 feet at the apex. The base was probably about 7x7 feet also. The object appeared solid and metallic. My younger brother and I insist the object was orange, but his friend believed it to be greenish. 2nd Object: Estimated diameter was about 1 foot. The sphere was red and appeared luminescent. The first object appeared above a neighbor's house while we were standing on the sidewalk. It hovered above the house and some power lines.

    The second object, a red sphere, came out of the object and descended about 10 feet below the first object. After the descent of the sphere, the pyramid object began to rise and move slowly toward the south-east. After traveling slowly for several hundred yards, it accelerated very quickly on its south-east path and disappeared. I can't recall what happened to the red sphere. I was about 12, my brother 9 and his friend about 10. My brother was rated gifted and talented, I was an above average student, and his friend had problems with school work and discipline and had been held back a grade. We lived at ((address deleted)) Street, in Fountain Valley. Neither my brother nor I have had additional experiences of this nature. We do not maintain contact with my brother's friend. I tell people occasionally about the events, while my brother chooses not to bring it up.

    Το ειδαν απο αποσταση 25 γιάρδες είναι 22.8 μέτρα.
    Οι διαστάσεις του UFO επίσης συμπίπτουν.
    Προβολή της Ελλάδας στο Facebook εγγραφείτε και προσκαλέστε τους φίλους σας

    Greece: 2,500 years past its prime! "Ancient Greece was the birthplace of art, science, democracy, medicine, poetry, and philosophy. Today, however, the nation has more important things to do than contribute to the advancement of the human race." -- The Onion atlas' country profile for Greece

  3. #453
    Μια ενδιαφέρουσα δημοσίευση σχετικά με το παράδοξο του Φερμι ("Where are they?" = "Αν το σύμπαν βρίθει απο ζωή, τότε που είναι όλοι τους?" δηλ. γιατί δεν έχουμε δει ακόμα τους άλλους πολιτισμούς) που επιχειρεί να απαντήσει στα ερωτήματα που τέθηκαν στο παρελθόν και στο παρόν thread.

    Source: UFO Skeptic

    Inflation-Theory Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation
    JBIS, Vol. 58, pp. 43-50, 2005


    1. 1689 S.W. Knollbrook Pl., Corvallis, Oregon 97333, USA.
    2. National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena
    (NARCAP), Post Office Box 1535, Vallejo, California, USA.
    3. Fund for UFO Research, Post Office Box 277, Mt Rainier,
    Maryland, 20712, USA.
    4. Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, 4030 W. Braker Ln.,
    Suite 300, Austin, Texas 78759, USA.
    Email: puthoff.nul

    It has recently been argued that anthropic reasoning applied to
    inflation theory reinforces the prediction that we should find
    ourselves part of a large, galaxy-sized civilisation, thus
    strengthening Fermi's paradox concerning "Where are they?"
    Furthermore, superstring and M-brane theory allow for the
    possibility of parallel universes, some of which in principle
    could be habitable. In addition, discussion of such exotic
    transport concepts as "traversable wormholes" now appears in the
    rigorous physics literature. As a result, the "We are alone"
    solution to Fermi's paradox, based on the constraints of earlier
    20th century viewpoints, appears today to be inconsistent with
    new developments in our best current physics and astrophysics
    theories. Therefore we reexamine and reevaluate the present
    assumption that extraterrestrials or their probes are not in the
    vicinity of Earth, and argue instead that some evidence of their
    presence might be found in certain high-quality UFO reports.
    This study follows up on previous arguments that (1)
    interstellar travel for advanced civilizations is not a priori
    ruled out by physical principles and therefore may be
    practicable, and (2) such advanced civilisations may value the
    search for knowledge from uncontaminated species more than
    direct, interspecies communication, thereby accounting for
    apparent covertness regarding their presence.

    Keywords: Fermi paradox, extraterrestrial hypothesis,
    extraterrestrial visitation, UFO phenomenon, Condon Report, SETI

    Το κυρίως κείμενο:

    1. Introduction

    The ever recurring question of why Earth has seemingly not been
    visited by extraterrestrials (ETs) has received considerable
    discussion under the topic of 'Fermi's paradox'. The problem
    originated as a quip by Enrico Fermi to colleagues in Los Alamos
    over lunch one day in 1950. Whether one assumes the existence of
    only one other civilisation or of many alien civilisations in
    our Milky Way galaxy, and whether one assumes colonisation
    involving interstellar travel at near-light speed or far below,
    diffusion modeling predicts colonisation or at least visitation
    of all habitable planets in the galaxy on timescales of tens of
    millions of years, far less than the approximate 13 x 109 year
    age of the galaxy itself. Thus the paradox: Where are they [1]?

    Theoretical possibilities unknown to Fermi make the paradox even
    stronger today. One can now rationally conjecture about
    prospects afforded by adjacent M-brane universes [2]. Indeed, if
    the multidimensions underlying superstring and M-brane theory
    are correct, there could be inhabited universes separated from
    our own by minute, orthogonal distances. Also, anthropic
    reasoning has recently been applied to inflation theory,
    arriving once again at the conclusion that we should find
    ourselves within an enormously larger galactic civilisation [3].
    While the 'We are alone' solution to Fermi's paradox was once a
    seemingly valid one, this answer is now incompatible with the
    infinite universe and random self-sampling assumption consistent
    with inflation theory. We thus find ourselves in the curious
    position that current cosmological theory predicts that we
    should be experiencing extraterrestrial visitation. At the same
    time, current physics and astrophysics suggest that such
    visitation may not be as impossible as had been thought.

    2. Recent Scientific Advances

    In recent astronomical discoveries, over 100 exoplanets have
    been catalogued, with detection sensitivity now increased to the
    point where, in one instance, a Jupiter-sized planet was deduced
    to be in a Jupiter-like orbit around a Sol-like star [4]. In the
    field of exobiology, much recent activity suggests that some of
    the building blocks for life may originate in space as well as
    be transported by meteorites [5- 6]. The possibility of
    widespread panspermia has received new impetus [7-8]. These
    findings and studies make plausible the hypothesis that there is
    intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. This is, of course,
    the fundamental assumption made by the proponents of SETI, the
    Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence using microwave or
    optical means of detection.

    The extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH), that intelligent life
    from 'elsewhere' in the universe could be visiting Earth, has
    become less implausible through suggestions that the velocity-
    of-light constraint=97 'they can't get here from there'=97is not as
    restricting as had been assumed previously. This restriction has
    its origin in the special theory of relativity, which we do not
    question. However, within the context of general relativity (GR)
    there are three approaches which may permit legitimately
    bypassing this limit, given sufficiently advanced (perhaps by
    millions of years!) knowledge of physics and technology.

    One approach popularised by Thorne and Sagan concerns the
    possibility of wormholes, or cosmic subways, a form of shortcut
    through the space-time metric [9]. Using the standard GR as a
    basis, certain mathematical requirements for traversable
    wormholes have been derived and published in the scientific
    literature and it appears that there is the possibility of
    engineering a wormhole metric, at least in principle [10].

    A second more recent approach published in the GR literature has
    been dubbed the 'Alcubierre Warp Drive' [11-12]. Unlike the
    speed of light limit through space, there is no limit to the
    speed at which space itself might stretch. Faster than light
    (FTL) relative motion is part of inflation theory, and
    presumably the universe beyond the Hubble distance is receding
    from us faster than c. It was shown that a spaceship contained
    in a volume of Minkowski space could in principle make use of
    FTL expansion of space-time behind and a similar contraction in
    front, with the inconvenience of time dilation and untoward
    accelerations being overcome. A related approach involves
    constructing a 'Krasnikov tube' [13] to connect spatially remote
    locales. Of course so-called exotic matter would be required for
    either case.

    If GR itself were to be reinterpreted in terms of a polarisable
    vacuum as first proposed by Dicke [14], this would open the
    possibility of a different type of metric engineering in which
    the dielectric properties of the vacuum might be altered in such
    a way as to raise the local propagation velocity of light. In
    effect one would be creating a local index of refraction of less
    than unity [15].

    Finally, there is the conjectured possibility of making use of
    the additional dimensionalities of M-brane and superstring
    theory to transfer into adjacent universes where the speed of
    light limit may be quite different and reentering our universe
    at the desired location. This is by far the most speculative

    Clearly when it comes to engineering warp drive or wormhole
    solutions, seemingly insurmountable obstacles emerge, such as
    unattainable energy requirements [16] or the need for exotic
    matter [17]. Thus, if success is to be achieved, it must rest on
    some yet unforeseen breakthrough about which we can only
    speculate, such as a technology to cohere otherwise random
    vacuum fluctuations [18]. Nonetheless, the possibility of
    reduced-time interstellar travel by advanced extraterrestrial
    (ET) civilisations is not, as naive consideration might hold,
    fundamentally ruled out by presently known physical principles.
    ET knowledge of the physical universe may comprise new
    principles which allow some form of FTL travel. This possibility
    is to be taken seriously, since the average age of suitable
    stars within the 'galactic habitable zone', in which the Earth
    also resides, is found to be about 109 years older than the sun
    [19] suggesting the possibility of civilizations extremely
    advanced beyond our own.

    There are further reasons why the 'We are alone' solution to
    Fermi's paradox should perhaps be set aside in favor of the ETH.
    A previously preferred solution, that biogenesis is an
    exceedingly rare event in conjunction with both panspermia and
    interstellar travel being inoperative [1], is now scarcely
    tenable in light of the cosmological considerations already
    discussed. The ETH appears to be the most viable remaining
    solution, where 'ET' is taken in a general non-Earthly sense
    that could include extra-dimensional realms, as in M-brane and
    superstring theory. Given the highly advanced ET science and
    technology to be expected in considerably older civilisations,
    coupled with the many observational reports since WWII of highly
    advanced technology seemingly operating at will within Earth's
    skies, it is only logical to search for evidence of ET
    visitations in at least a fraction of the ongoing, unexplainable
    reports popularly referred to as 'UFO sightings.' Reluctance to
    do so could result in our failure to realize that observations
    of 'genuine' ET visitations have been occurring. This approach,
    which we follow here, explores the likelihood that 'we actually
    do belong to a large civilisation but are unaware of that fact'

    3. U.S. Air Force Response (1947-1969)

    Reports of unknown objects in the skies, appearing
    as some sort of flying craft and exhibiting extraordinary
    manoeuvres, first became known to the general
    public in 1947. The first publicised sighting occurred
    on June 24 of that year, after which there were many
    hundreds of sightings during the following months.
    The phenomenon has been continuing ever since

    At first the U.S. Air Force collected the sighting reports for
    analysis in its operation Project Sign (1948-1949). This was
    succeeded by Project Grudge (1949-1952) and then Project Blue
    Book (1952-1969) [20,25] . Some 20% of Project Blue Book's
    sightings from 1953-1965 were left unexplained, if their
    'insufficient data' category is included [22]. The Battelle
    Memorial Institute (BMI; Columbus, Ohio) discovered, in their
    study of 3,201 reports from 1947 through 1952, that the
    percentage of unknowns (unexplainable sightings) increased with
    increasing quality of the sighting information and reliability
    of the observers [21]. A surprisingly high percentage, 30%, of
    the civilian sightings, and an even more surprising 38%, of the
    military sightings rated as excellent in quality were listed as
    unknown. On the other hand, only about 15% of the civilian and
    20% of the military sightings rated as poor were unknown. The
    increase in the percentage of unknowns with increasing quality
    of the report is an unexpected result if sightings were all
    explainable as mistakes (failure to correctly identify the
    sighted phenomenon) by either the observer(s) or the scientists
    who analysed the sightings. In this collection of 3,201
    sightings none were listed as hoaxes and only 1.5% were listed
    as caused by psychological effects. This result discovered
    during the several year long BMI study refutes the claim, made
    in the Condon Report [22], that UFO reports are from 'less well
    informed individuals,' who are 'not necessarily reliable.' It is
    worthy of note that Condon had access to the results of the BMI
    study but there is no reference to it in the Condon Report.
    Project Blue Book culminated in 1969 with the government
    sponsored Condon Report [22]. In the opening section of the
    Report its director concluded that, after years of
    investigation, the U.S. Air Force had found nothing truly
    new=97nothing that supported claims of new physics or the ETH=97and
    that continued investigation probably would not find anything
    truly new in the future. The Report recommended that the Air
    Force end its investigation project, which it did in late 1969.

    4. The Condon Report (1968)

    In the late 1960's, the U.S. Air Force issued a contract to the
    University of Colorado to carry out a scientific study of
    evidence concerning the UFO phenomenon. The director of the
    project was Prof. Edward U. Condon, a distinguished and
    influential physicist who made no secret of his opinion even at
    the outset that no substantive evidence for extraterrestrial
    visitation was liable to result. The study was relatively brief
    (2 years) and had a notably low budget (app. $500K) for a
    serious scientific study. When the Condon Report was released in
    1968, the American scientific community accepted its apparently
    negative conclusion concerning evidence for extraterrestrial
    visitation in a generally uncritical way, and to some extent
    even an enthusiastic way since it offered an end to a
    troublesome situation. An endorsement of the Report by the
    National Academy of Sciences took place following an unusually
    rapid review and the Air Force quickly used the Report as a
    justification to terminate any further public involvement with
    the topic.

    The negative conclusion of the Report is more apparent than real
    however, since there is a substantial discrepancy between the
    conclusion in the "Summary of the Study" written by Condon
    singlehandedly, and the conclusion one could reasonably draw
    from the evidence presented in the main body of the Report. Such
    a dichotomy was possible because the study was a project for
    which the director, Condon, had sole authority; it was not the
    work of a committee whose members would have to reach some
    consensus conclusion. An analysis of the Condon Report by
    Sturrock [26] details the many disagreements between Condon's
    dismissive summary and the actual data.

    Given the thousand-page length of the Report, one can safely
    assume that very few in the scientific community would have
    devoted the time necessary to read the entire document. The
    impact of the Report was thus largely due to Condon's leveraging
    his prestigious scientific reputation into an acceptance of his
    own personal views as representing the apparent outcome of a
    scientific investigation. Indeed, as Sturrock documents, Condon
    actually took no part in the investigations and indicated the
    conclusion he intended to draw well before the data were
    properly examined, hardly a scientific approach.

    The portion of the Condon Report that contains its sighting
    analyses does not support the "Summary of the Study" written by
    Condon [26]. Many of the events presented within its Case
    Studies section do fall into the 'unidentified' category of
    UFOs, for which the Report's definition was, in essence: 'A
    puzzling stimulus for a report of something seen in the sky or
    landed on the earth that could not be identified as having an
    ordinary natural origin.' In a detailed review of this Report,
    however, it was noted that 'The sheer bulk of the report, much
    of it "scientific padding", cannot conceal from anyone who
    studies it closely that it examines only a tiny fraction of the
    really puzzling UFO reports, and that its scientific
    argumentation is often unsatisfactory. Of roughly ninety cases
    that it specifically confronts, more than thirty are conceded to
    be unexplained' [27]. Four of the cases, reanalysed and reported
    in detail at the 1969 AAAS Symposium, disclosed how unscientific
    the Condon Report's treatment of them had been; the reanalyses
    have since gone unrefuted. Hence we cannot agree with the Condon
    Report's assertion that the phenomenon provides no new subjects
    for science to explore, given that many sightings were left
    unexplained. Furthermore, in many of the cases that the Report
    claimed to have identified, that goal was achieved merely
    through assuming that the witnesses had seen something differing
    in detail from what they had reported. Also, a committee of the
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 1971 found
    'it difficult to ignore the small residue of well-documented but
    unexplainable cases that form the hard core of the UFO
    controversy'[28]. Clearly, the Condon Report was left in an
    unsatisfactory state [20,24-26,29-30].

    The primary conclusion of the Condon panel sidestepped the main
    issue, the failure to explain every sighting, by saying: 'The
    evidence presented on Unidentified Flying Objects shows no
    indication that these phenomena constitute a direct physical
    threat to national security' [22]. This is not inconsistent,
    however, with some fraction of unexplained reports representing
    actual ET visitations.

    5. Re-Evaluation of the Phenomenon Needed

    5.1 Sightings Since the Condon Report

    The self-inconsistency of the Condon Report, along with the
    strengthening of Fermi's paradox through recent developments in
    cosmology, physics, astronomy and astrobiology, are but two
    reasons to reevaluate the UFO phenomenon. Another reason is that
    remarkable sightings did not cease with the publication of the
    Condon Report in 1969. Many detailed sightings since then have
    become available for examination. Scientists should not feel
    reluctant to study these inasmuch as the Report's executive
    summary stated that 'any scientist with adequate training and
    credentials who does come up with a clearly defined, specific
    proposal for study [of UFO reports] should be supported.'

    One example of sightings worth studying are those that occurred
    on December 31, 1978 off the northeast coast of South Island,
    New Zealand. These involved several channels of information
    recorded on tape and film during the sightings, correlated
    visual air- and ground-radar detections and light phenomena
    recorded on colour movie film as well as reports by the eight
    witnesses who were involved. Analysis of the recorded data and
    of the witness testimony indicates that unknown objects emitting
    bright light were detected on radar, filmed and apparently moved
    in response to the motions of the airplane carrying the
    witnesses. The sightings have defied all mundane explanations

    Some investigations of unexplainable sightings have been
    sponsored by governments outside the U.S. Since 1977 the French
    Space Agency has carried out an official investigation of UFO
    reports with its project GEPAN, later called SEPRA. In the
    Belgium sighting wave of 1989-90, civilian and military
    officials cooperated in sharing eyewitness, radar and video-
    image data of triangular-shaped craft.

    5.2 Withheld Information Now Available

    The Condon investigators did not have full access to the
    information and analysis compiled previously by the U.S. Air
    Force Office of Intelligence (AFOIN) or to all the information
    collected by Project Blue Book.

    Much of this information has been disclosed in the years since
    1968. The information release has come about on five fronts.
    First, the U.S. Air Force released the complete files of Project
    Blue Book in 1975. This release included the previously
    unavailable files of the Air Force Office of Special
    Investigation (AFOSI).

    Second, the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, which went into
    effect in the mid 1970s, resulted in the release of relevant
    information from other agencies (Federal Bureau of
    Investigation: FBI, in 1977; Central Intelligence Agency: CIA,
    in 1978; etc.), though often in a censored form [23-24].

    A third new source of information is the collection of
    previously withheld reports and analyses carried out by the
    AFOIN in the late 1940s and early 1950s. This information has
    been released in the last 20 years as a result of standard
    declassification requirements for old documents. It shows that
    Air Force intelligence privately concluded that as many as 5% of
    the sightings were unexplainable even though they were
    apparently accurate reports made by credible observers, thus
    contradicting the public statements of the Air Force that all
    sightings could be explained. The documents provide an
    explanation as to why Air Force intelligence told the FBI in
    August and again in October, 1952, that some top Air Force
    officials were seriously considering the 'interplanetary'
    explanation [33].

    Fourth, governments of countries other than the United States,
    over the last 25 years, have released relevant information
    collected by their armed services and police. Not only has the
    French government, through GEPAN and SEPRA, released sighting
    documents but also England's Ministry of Defense recently
    released a number of documents. The governments of Spain and
    Canada also released documents in the 1970s and 1980s. Moreover,
    some governments besides that of France have official
    investigative groups on this topic. In 1997, in response to
    civilian and military sightings over the previous years, the
    Chilean Air Force formed the Committee for the Study of
    Anomalous Phenomena (acronym, CEFAA in Spanish) directed by a
    former Air Force general and headquartered in the Technical
    School of Aeronautics in Santiago. One of us (Maccabee) was
    invited to Chile in 1999 to lecture at a symposium sponsored by
    the CEFAA and to discuss the sightings. The Peruvian Air Force
    set up a similar group in 2001. Brazil and Uruguay also have
    comparable investigative groups.

    A fifth new source of information not available or utilised by
    the Condon group consists of the many witnesses to events in the
    1940-1960 decades who had worked for the government or the
    military and after reaching retirement age, have come forward to
    divulge their first-hand knowledge [34]. They have felt it was
    more important for the citizens to know what has been taking
    place than to continue to obey instructions to maintain silence
    about it. A reluctance to report UFO events arose because of a
    curtain of ridicule which, since the 1950s, had settled over the
    subject. It was induced in part by the CIA's 1953 Robertson
    panel that recommended a debunking programme against the reality
    of the phenomenon [20,22-23].

    The debunking is most often implemented by an authority figure
    asserting, at his own volition and without interviewing the
    witnesses, that whatever was observed and reported as
    extraordinary was instead the misidentification of something
    mundane. This is demeaning to sincere, credible witnesses. The
    major news media quickly picked up on sarcastic phrases like
    'little green men' and 'UFO buffs', then gradually weaned
    themselves away from the topic=97reporters, editors and corporate
    owners fear ridicule, whether just or unjust, as much as do
    scientists and politicians. The refusal of the U.S. Air Force in
    the 1950s and 1960s to release sighting data it had collected
    only added to the problem, since evidence collected by the
    government was not available to support the witnesses [33].

    The first director of the CIA assessed the situation in 1960 as
    follows: 'Behind the scenes, highranking Air Force officers are
    soberly concerned about UFOs. But, through official secrecy and
    ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying
    objects are nonsense=85 to hide the facts, the Air Force has
    silenced its personnel' [35]. The Condon Report also added to
    the problem, since it demonstrated that men of science could
    simply allege that witnesses are mistaken or dishonest and they
    would be believed by most of their colleagues even though they
    had no evidence to back up their allegations. This in turn led
    to greater reluctance on the part of witnesses to come forward.
    As a result, 'the most credible UFO witnesses are often those
    most reluctant to come forward with a report of the event they
    have witnessed' [27]. This ridicule factor has prevented many
    serious investigators from even attempting to report their
    findings within the journals preferred by most scientists.
    Therefore, one of the recommendations made by the moderator of a
    1997 panel of scientists is that journal editors should change
    their policy of refusing to even seriously consider publishing
    articles related to the UFO phenomenon, so that this difficulty
    may be alleviated [36].

    6. Inferring an ET Strategy

    If one allows that at least some unexplainable sightings may be
    manifestations of extraterrestrial intelligence, then there is
    yet another reason for reevaluation: a growing recognition over
    the past two decades that a large part of the behavior
    manifested can be viewed as being quite rational. The topic of
    ET behavior has received considerable discussion in connection
    with SETI in the past three decades. SETI has proceeded on the
    assumption that Fermi's paradox is to be solved through
    continued and enhanced searching of the sky for electromagnetic
    signals indicative of ET communications [37]. Several possible
    reasons for lack of success to date have been proposed [1,37-

    Since the 1970s advocates of a covert ET presence in our
    vicinity have also been advancing their hypotheses or scenarios.
    They reject as improbable the assumption that space-faring ETs
    must be dominated by the most evil and aggressive of their kind=97
    an assumption whose consequence would be that we should not be
    existing as a freely developing civilisation within a fully
    colonised and/or explored galaxy. Contact optimists instead
    presume that many advanced ET groups are at least as ethical as
    we are, while still attending to their own safety and security.

    The ET motivation for space travel could be to increase their
    knowledge through exploration of space rather than to colonise
    and seek domination [39]. Thus hypotheses have been set forth
    regarding why such ETs would be aware of our presence but not
    yet have contacted us overtly. Among these are the zoo, nursery
    and quarantine or embargo hypotheses [1,38,40-42]. Most of these
    posit that the ETs involved have frequently scouted us out semi-
    covertly and have concluded that we are either not yet mature
    enough for open contact, or not prepared for it, since any
    abrupt, overt contact could cause societal chaos and
    governmental downfalls. Also postulated is that ET interference
    with our society would prematurely bring an end to our
    civilisation's continued development if it occurred before our
    knowledge has progressed to the point that we could understand
    where the aliens could have originated and how great their head
    start over us could be [39].

    A serious inconsistency in this reasoning, however, is that
    maintenance of total ET covertness towards Earth and the solar
    system would still lead to societal chaos whenever the
    covertness or embargo was eventually lifted, unless the ETs
    carried out a programme of gradual disclosure=97a 'leaky' embargo
    [1,43]. Although the zoo or embargo hypothesis may be
    unverifiable, the leaky-embargo hypothesis may be verifiable if
    the UFO evidence is taken into account. Much of this evidence
    appears to constitute just such a leak in the embargo: a grass-
    roots educational programme in the form of the phenomenon, which
    has been in operation since 1947, if not before.

    Many sightings have been of a nature to attract attention to
    their craft and let isolated groups of witnesses know that its
    occupants are aware of us [24,44]. A key category of such cases
    involves reports wherein persons within a traveling vehicle
    frantically witness an object pacing them even though their
    automobile or aircraft makes turns that rule out the sighting of
    an astronomical or other ordinary object as any explanation.
    Similarly, in a number of the aircraft cases the unknown object,
    which was either pacing the aircraft or presenting itself to it,
    was detected on radar as well as visually [23-25,27].

    The object's extraordinary appearance, manoeuvreability and oft-
    times coincidental interference with the vehicle's electrical
    system additionally rule out mundane explanations [23-25].

    Although individual, localised and usually brief sightings may
    have provided sufficient evidence to be convincing to the
    observers and sighting analysts, the fact is that, since the
    widely-reported sightings began in 1947, no event has persisted
    in a prominent place a sufficient number of hours at a time, or
    demonstrated its abilities to enough witnesses at a time, for
    the news media to congregate and publicise it to the world. Nor
    have they left quite enough evidence behind to be totally
    convincing to very many scientists [25]. We suspect that this
    chary behavior may be no accident.

    To put it another way, from the viewpoint of investigators
    studying such phenomena, individual close-encounter and other
    sightings can be very intrusive and overt. However, from the
    viewpoint of the scientific community and society as a whole,
    this is not the case, because of the relative rarity in time and
    space of convincing sightings and because of the limited numbers
    of witnesses in most instances. The inference is that, by not
    providing sufficient evidence to make their reality totally
    obvious to scientists and society in general, the ETs are
    following a strategy or programme that avoids inflicting
    catastrophic shock to society as a whole, which any overt
    contact could cause, while preparing us for eventual open
    contact. This could say something about their level of ethics.

    Proposing a certain level of ET ethics is not new; it was
    suggested in 1981 that advanced ETs may abide by a Codex
    Galactica that would require them to treat emerging
    civilisations delicately [1,45]. Such a standard of behavior is
    consistent with reality of the UFO phenomenon and the fact that
    not in the past 56 years, nor in past millennia, have we been
    colonised, conquered or exterminated, nor has society been
    traumatised by any ETs or by their sometimes postulated robotic
    probes [1,41]. It is also consistent with the failure of
    investigative panels to find that UFOs constitute any direct
    threat to national security. On the other hand, it appears all
    too evident that ETs have not intervened in world affairs in any
    benevolent manner that would have forestalled human warfare,
    famine and disease. In fact, ample cases exist wherein the
    witnesses, when too close, were injured or harmed. Other cases
    exist, however, in which a witness was healed of some injury or
    medical condition [46]. All this suggests that ET interactions
    with humans are based on a neutrally benevolent ethical level

    7. Conclusions

    Despite the UFO phenomenon having continued now for over two
    generations, the huge technological head start of the presumed
    ETs would still come as a great shock to many scientists as well
    as citizenry, as the Brookings Report indicated [47]. It could
    be so great as to seriously challenge our consensual reality, a
    not insignificant danger. The implication that we would be
    powerless relative to their presumed capabilities and
    evolutionary advantage may be most unwelcome, with it being no
    surprise that science would have difficulty coming to terms with
    the situation [48]. Nevertheless, the reality of the phenomenon
    and of our having long since been discovered by advanced ETs now
    may be more probable than that Fermi's paradox is to be resolved
    through either the non-existence of advanced ETs or their
    inability to explore or colonise the galaxy. Hence open
    scientific research on the subject is needed with special
    attention paid to high quality UFO reports exhibiting apparent
    indications that ET intelligence and strategy are involved.

    8. Acknowledgments

    We thank P. Sturrock of Stanford University and T. Roe of the
    National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena
    (NARCAP) for suggested improvements.


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    Παράθεση Αρχικό μήνυμα από dhatz Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων
    Σοβαρά τώρα, αν αναφέρεσαι για κίνηση στον κάθετο άξονα (οπως το δείχνεις, κι όχι οριζόντιο v^v^v ) τότε η κίνηση που περιγράφεις είναι γνωστή σαν corkscrew (από το σχήμα τιρμπουσόν που βγαζουμε το πωμα απο μποτίλια κρασιου) και εχει αναφερθεί πολλές φορές.
    Αυτο ερχοταν απο πισω μου και πηγαινε προς τα εμπρος μου κανοντας δεξια-αριστερα στον οριζοντιο αξονα. Οπως κινειται το φιδι δηλαδη. Η ταχυτητα του ηταν απιστευτη γιατι παρ'ολο οτι κινουταν και εστριβε ετσι, καλυψε τον ορατο οριζοντα σε 1-2 δευτερολεπτα το πολυ και εξαφανισθηκε στο βαθος του..Σαν αντικειμενο δεν φαινοταν καποιο σχημα - μονο ενα εντονο φως (που ηταν και αυτο που μου τραβηξε την προσοχη).

  6. #456
    33 kbps
    Παράθεση Αρχικό μήνυμα από MNP-10 Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων
    Αυτο ερχοταν απο πισω μου και πηγαινε προς τα εμπρος μου κανοντας δεξια-αριστερα στον οριζοντιο αξονα. Οπως κινειται το φιδι δηλαδη. Η ταχυτητα του ηταν απιστευτη γιατι παρ'ολο οτι κινουταν και εστριβε ετσι, καλυψε τον ορατο οριζοντα σε 1-2 δευτερολεπτα το πολυ και εξαφανισθηκε στο βαθος του..Σαν αντικειμενο δεν φαινοταν καποιο σχημα - μονο ενα εντονο φως (που ηταν και αυτο που μου τραβηξε την προσοχη).
    Wormhole tech!

    Ευκλείδια και μη Ευκλείδια Γεωμετρία.


    Euclidean geometry is modelled by our notion of a "flat plane." The simplest model for elliptic geometry is a sphere, where lines are "great circles" (such as the equator or the meridians on a globe), and points opposite each other are identified (considered to be the same). Even after the work of Lobachevsky, Gauss, and Bolyai, the question remained: does such a model exist for hyperbolic geometry? This question was answered by Eugenio Beltrami, in 1868, who first showed that a surface called the pseudosphere has the appropriate curvature to model a portion of hyperbolic space, and in a second paper in the same year, defined the Klein model, the Poincaré disk model, and the Poincaré half-plane model which model the entirety of hyperbolic space, and used this to show that Euclidean geometry and hyperbolic geometry were equiconsistent, so that hyperbolic geometry was logically consistent if Euclidean geometry was. (The reverse implication follows from the horosphere model of Euclidean geometry.)

    The development of non-Euclidean geometries proved very important to physics in the 20th century. Given the limitation of the speed of light, velocity additions necessitate the use of hyperbolic geometry. Einstein's Theory of Relativity describes space as generally flat (i.e., Euclidean), but elliptically curved (i.e., non-Euclidean) in regions near where matter is present. Because the universe expands (see the hubble constant), the space where no matter exists could be described by using a hyperbolic model. This kind of geometry, where the curvature changes from point to point, is called riemannian geometry.
    Μπορούμε να υπολογίσουμε ιδιότητες εκτός του Ευκλείδιου χώρου που παρουσιάζουν θεωρητικά αρνητικό μέγεθος.
    Αυτό είναι χρήσιμο π.χ. στη θεωρία της σχετικότητας του Αϊνστάιν που αποδέχεται φαινομενικά (για τις αισθήσεις μας) στρέβλωση του χώρου.
    Ο Αϊνστάιν αποδεχώταν το Ευκλείδιο διάστημα, που στο μεγαλύτερο μέρος του εμφανίζεται επίπεδο (άδειος διαστημικός χώρος) αλλά σε περιοχές που υπάρχει ύλη εμφανίζει καμπυλώσεις (π.χ. πλανήτες)



    A trick mathematicians have come up with to represent it is called the Poincaré model of hyperbolic geometry. By increasingly shrinking the pseudosphere as it goes further out towards the edge, it will fit into a circle, called the Poincaré disk; with the "edge" representing infinity. This is usually tessellated with equilateral triangles, or other polygons; which become increasingly distorted towards the edges, such that some vertices are shared by more polygons than is normal under Euclidean geometry (In normal flat space only six triangles, for instance, can share a vertex, but on the Poincaré disk, some are shared by eight triangles, as the total of the angles is now less than 180°). Reverting the triangles back to their normal shape yields various sections of the pseudosphere. The central part yields the familiar saddle shape. A section that leads to the infinite edge, ends up becoming "wrapped" around and joined at its opposite sides, yielding the aforementioned "tractricoid" shape, which is also called a "Gabriel's Horn" (since it resembles a horn with the mouthpiece lying at infinity). Thus the tractricoid is only really a piece of the whole pseudosphere.

    Οι ιδιότητες αυτού του θεωρητικού μοντέλου μας παρουσιάζουν την ύπαρξη αρνητικού χώρου, δηλαδή μεγέθη με αρνητικό πρόσημο.
    Αν υποθέσουμε οτι ο χώρος (διάστημα) όπως τον αντιλαμβανώμαστε είναι επίπεδος τότε σε σημεία που παρουσιάζεται ύλη θεωρητικά μπορούμε να ερευνήσουμε διαφορετικές ιδιότητες ενός "αναδιπλούμενου" χώρου.
    Αν επεκτείνουμε αυτή τη συλλογιστική ενα θεωρητικό μοντέλο μη Ευκλείδιας Γεωμετρίας θα μπορούσε να υπολογίσει σε συνθήκες αναδιπλούμενου χώρου.
    Οι ιδιότητες αυτού του μοντέλου θα μας επέτρεπαν να υπολογίσουμε συντεταγμένες στο αναδιπλούμενο διάστημα (μη φυσικός χώρος) και να υπολογίσουμε θεωρητικά τη διαδρομή κίνησης ενός αντικειμένου απο το σημείο Αλφα στο σημείο Γάμα χωρίς να περάσει απο το σημείο Βήτα. Θα είναι σαν να διπλώνουμε τον χώρο και να υπολογίζουμε μόνο τα σημεία που εφάπτωνται στην αναδίπλωση για να μετακινηθούμε σε αυτό, δεδομένου οτι έχουμε τεχνολογικά τον τρόπο να το κάνουμε.

    Μας λείπει ενα ικανό μαθηματικό μοντέλο και φυσικά η τεχνολογία.

    Methods/models of understanding non Euclidean space.



    Curvature refers to a number of loosely related concepts in different areas of geometry. Intuitively, curvature is the amount by which a geometric object deviates from being flat, but this is defined in different ways depending on the context. There is a key distinction between extrinsic curvature which is defined for objects embedded in another space (usually a Euclidean space) in a way that relates to the radius of curvature of circles that touch the object, and intrinsic curvature which is defined at each point in a differential manifold. This article deals primarily with the first concept.

    The primordial example of extrinsic curvature is that of a circle which has curvature equal to the inverse of its radius everywhere. Smaller circles bend more sharply, and hence have higher curvature. Further, the curvature of a smooth curve is defined as the curvature of its osculating circle at each point.

    Θεωρητικά θα μπορούσε ενα σύστημα καθοδήγησης σε ενα όχημα να εκμεταλευτεί τη καμπύλωση του χώρου γύρω απο μεγάλα βαρυτικά σώματα (όπως πλανήτες) για να αρχίσει να "αντιλαμβάνεται" τη διαδρομή που θα έπρεπε να ακολουθήσει μέσα απο ενα μη Ευκλείδιο χώρο για να ξεπεράσει το φράγμα της ταχύτητας του φωτός και να μεταφερθεί σε μεγάλες αποστάσεις. Στην πραγματικότητα δεν θα έχει ξεπεράσει ποτέ την ταχύτητα του φωτός απλά θα έχει χρησιμοποιήσει ενα τρυκ που του επιτρέπει να ξεκινήσει απο το σημείο Αλφα και παρακάμπτωντας το σημείο Β ( παράκαμψη του ενδιάμεσου Ευκλείδιου χώρου) να βρεθεί στο σημείο Γαμα που θα βρίσκεται έτη φωτός μακριά.

    Γιατί να μη μπορούσε ενα σύστημα υπολογισμού συνισταμένων στη μέθοδο του να αρχίσει να υπολογίζει ενα μη Ευκλείδιο άλμα στο χώρο για ενα όχημα, να κατευθύνει ένα σύστημα καθοδήγησης μέσα σε ενα πεδίο Ευκλείδιου χώρου και να ενεργοποιήσει μια μη συμβατική τροχιά ώστε το σύστημα υπολογισμού να αρχίσει να "κατανοεί" τον αναδιπλούμενο χώρο και με το συστημα καθοδήγησης να βρεθούν σε συγχρονισμό ώστε αν το όχημα έχει τη κατάληλη τεχνολογία να καλύψει τελικά μια τεράστια απόσταση σε φαινομενικά ελάχιστο χρόνο.

    Το πρόβλημα με το εγχείρημα είναι οτι ο εγκέφαλος μας είναι έτσι σχεδιασμένος ώστε δεν μπορεί να κατανοήσει ιδιότητες του μη Ευκλείδιου χώρου, σε αυτή την πιθανολογούμενη έλειψη ικανότητας στήριξε και τη μυθολογία των διηγημάτων τρόμου ο Χ.Π. Λάβκραφτ. Όπου το ανθρώπινο μυαλό "καταρέει" όταν έρχεται αντιμέτωπο με της ιδιότητες του μη Ευκλείδιου σύμπαντος.

  7. #457
    Παράθεση Αρχικό μήνυμα από Xguru Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων
    Κανένα compilation με τα καλύτερα videakia του thread να έχουμε να τα δείχνουμε;
    Το πιο κοντινό σ'αυτό που ζητάς video που έχω βρει ετοιμο ως τώρα είναι (βλ. σελίδα που ετοίμασα) το Compilation of UFO Video Footage and Testimony privately-produced. No speaking, just raw UFO footage and witness testimonies with nice 80's music - Google Video (1hr 35min 329MB)
    Στο τελευταίο ημίωρο έχει και τις δηλώσεις αστροναυτών οπως ο Gordon Cooper κι ο Edgar Mitchell, του Admiral Lord Hill-Norton (πρωην Στρατ.Δκτης ΝΑΤΟ), των στρατιωτικών στη βάση Bentwaters/UK απο το περιστατικό του 1980 κλπ

    Σημ: Η ποιότητα του video (αναλυση, fps) είναι κάπως φτωχη στο googlevideo, εχω τα ίδια βινετο σε καλύτερη ποιότητα. Ισως κάποια στιγμή, αν βρω χρόνο, να ετοιμάσω μια επιλογή απο το καλύτερο υλικό και να το ανεβάσω στο Ιντερνετ.

    Παντως, δεν ξέρω πόσα θα καταλάβει κάποιος που δεν έχει κάποιο γνωστικό υπόβαθρο (και τη δυνατότητα και τη διάθεση να καταλάβει). Εδω στο adslgr που θεωρητικά συχνάζει πιο "σχετικό" κοινό (τεχνολογικής κατευθυνσης κλπ), κι παρότι υπήρχε έτοιμο τοσο υλικό π.χ. του Hil, πάλι είχαμε σχόλια για "κουδούνια προβάτων", "πιάτα", "χύτρες" κλπ

    Αν θες να ενημερώσεις φίλους που δεν έχουν ασχοληθεί με το θέμα UFO, θα προτεινα να ξεκινήσεις απο το video "Out of the Blue"

    Παράθεση Αρχικό μήνυμα από Xguru Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων
    Χάνεται κανείς στις 30 σελίδες...
    Οπου πολλά μηνύματα είναι άσχετα, κατι που συμβαίνει σε όλα τα topics βεβαια... Μια ματιά στο τι γραφτηκε πριν και λιγο googling πριν πατήσουμε το reply δεν βλάπτει...
    Προβολή της Ελλάδας στο Facebook εγγραφείτε και προσκαλέστε τους φίλους σας

    Greece: 2,500 years past its prime! "Ancient Greece was the birthplace of art, science, democracy, medicine, poetry, and philosophy. Today, however, the nation has more important things to do than contribute to the advancement of the human race." -- The Onion atlas' country profile for Greece

  8. #458
    Για όσους δεν είδαν το ντοκυμαντέρ με τις μαρτυρίες απο το συμβάν στο δασάκι δίπλα στη βάση με πυρηνικά στο Bentwaters (Αγγλία) τον Δεκ-1980, 21 χρόνια μετά το συμβάν, το 2001 δημοσιεύτηκε στα πλαίσια του Freedom of Informatio Act η γραπτή αναφορά του Υποδιοικητή της αμερικ.βάσης και άλλα σχετικά έγγραφα.

    περιγράφει το αντικείμενο "τριγωνικό, μεταλλικό στην όψη, περίπου 2-3 μέτρα πλάτος και ~2μ ύψος. Φωτισε όλο το δάσος με λευκό φως." Μιλά ακόμα για τα σημάδια στο έδαφος εκει που προσγειώθηκε το UFO και μετρήσεις ραδιενέργειας στο σημείο κλπ Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες για το περιστατικο που έγινε πριν 25 χρόνια έχουν δημοσιοποιηθεί την τελευταία 5-ετία.

    Ομοια πυραμιδο-ειδή UFO με του Rendlesham forest το 1980 περιέγραψαν τα παιδια στο φορουμ astrovox και άλλοι (βλ. προηγούμενα μηνύματα).
    Προβολή της Ελλάδας στο Facebook εγγραφείτε και προσκαλέστε τους φίλους σας

    Greece: 2,500 years past its prime! "Ancient Greece was the birthplace of art, science, democracy, medicine, poetry, and philosophy. Today, however, the nation has more important things to do than contribute to the advancement of the human race." -- The Onion atlas' country profile for Greece

  9. #459
    Στο ίδιο θέμα της επίσκεψης UFO στη Βάση με πυρηνικά στο Rendlesham/UK το 1980

    Φωτο απο το μπλοκάκι του επόπτη ασφαλείας Jim Penniston, που βγήκε για αναγνώριση στο δασάκι (χωριστά απ'τους άλλους με τον Υποδιοικητη), είδε το προσγειωμένο πυραμιδοειδές UFO, πλησίασε, το άγγιξε και εμοιαζε με μέταλλο αλλά είχε υφη λείου μαύρου γυαλιου και εντονη αίσθηση στατικου ηλεκτρισμού στην ατμόσφαιρα γύρω του

    και σημείωσε και τα περίεργα "ιερογλυφικά" στην μπροστά αριστερή πλευρά του UFO:

    (στο ντοκυμαντέρ διηγήθηκε πως απο σελίδα σε σελίδα το γράψιμο του μπερδεύεται, απο τη σύγχιση και την ταραχή του όταν καταλαβαίνει οτι έχει μπροστά του κάτι εντελώς άγνωστο).
    Προβολή της Ελλάδας στο Facebook εγγραφείτε και προσκαλέστε τους φίλους σας

    Greece: 2,500 years past its prime! "Ancient Greece was the birthplace of art, science, democracy, medicine, poetry, and philosophy. Today, however, the nation has more important things to do than contribute to the advancement of the human race." -- The Onion atlas' country profile for Greece

  10. #460
    Μια ενδιαφέρουσα μελέτη του φαινομένου κανουν εδώ και χρόνια στο Hessdalen στη Νορβηγία, με συμμετοχη επιστημόνων απο Νορβηγία, Ιταλία κλπ και με ευρυ φασμα τεχνικου εξοπλισμού (CCD cameras, magnetometers κλπ). Αρχισαν το 1984 με μηδαμινό εξοπλισμό (και υποστήριξη) και έχουν μαζέψει και δημοσιεύσει αρκετό υλικό.

    Plans for Project Hessdalen

    When these plans can be accomplished is dependend on how much money that will come from sponsors. The main sponsor today has been Østfold University College, in Norway. This amount has not been enough to bring the project up on to a high enough level, to get an answer on the question: "What is this UFO-phenomena".

    The plans are:

    1. Expand Hessdalen AMS with better and more intruments.
    2. Develop and run a database, with a web-interface.
    3. Analyse data and start anesessary activities for finding a solution on the UFO-phenomena.
    4. Develop small automatic stations, that can be installed on other places with high "UFO-activity".
    5. Establish connections with other databases with proper information.
    6. Assist "Norwegian UFO Centre Ltd." with technical and theoretical support

    Αντιστοιχη δουλεια απο αναλογο γκρουπ ξέρω ότι γίνεται και στον Καναδά. Αλλά δεν έχω προλάβει ακόμα να διαβάσω το υλικό τους ωστε να μπορώ να σχολιάσω.

    Αυτα τα γράφω επειδή μπορεί να υπάρχουν αντίστοιχες επαναλαμβανόμενες θεάσεις UFO/UAL κάπου στην Ελλάδα και να ενδιαφερθεί κάποιο Πανεπιστήμιο να στήσει κάτι ανάλογο.


    Προβολή της Ελλάδας στο Facebook εγγραφείτε και προσκαλέστε τους φίλους σας

    Greece: 2,500 years past its prime! "Ancient Greece was the birthplace of art, science, democracy, medicine, poetry, and philosophy. Today, however, the nation has more important things to do than contribute to the advancement of the human race." -- The Onion atlas' country profile for Greece

  11. #461
    Μια πολυ συχνη θεαση που μ'ειχε προβληματισει (μπορει να το εχετε πετυχει και εσεις.. εγω το εχω δει >10 φορες στον Αττικο ουρανο) ηταν κατι σαν αστρο, χωρις ηχο, σε μεγαλο υψος, με σταθερο (και οχι blinking φωτισμο) που κλιμακωνε την ενταση του φωτος σε πολυ φωτεινο επιπεδο ενω στη συνεχεια ξανασκοτεινιαζε... κινουμενο παντα σε σταθερη ισια τροχια και με μεγαλη ταχυτητα. Τα χαρακτηριστικα δεν ταιριαζαν σε καποιο αεροσκαφος.. Σαν εναπομεινοντα σεναρια εξηγησης ειχα

    1) ΑΤΙΑ
    2) Καποιο πανελ δορυφορου που αντικατοπτριζει τον ηλιο / space junk / διαστημικος σταθμος κτλ..

    Τελικα βρηκα αργοτερα οτι ειναι οι Iridium satellites... και το φαινομενο τους λεγεται "satellite flare".


    Λογικα πρεπει να ειναι αρκετα κοινη θεαση, οποτε το παραθετω για να γνωριζει ο κοσμος οτι αυτο, αν και τηρει αρκετες προϋποθεσεις σαν ΑΤΙΑ, ειναι τελικα γνωριμης ταυτοτητας γηινη κατασκευη. Και μαλιστα αρκετα εντυπωσιακη, οπως φαινεται απο κατω, καποιες φορες.

  12. #462
    Θα μ'ενδιέφερε πολύ παντως ν'ακούσω ιστορίες για θεάσεις UFO (ή και CE3 δηλαδή θέαση UFO-ναυτών!) απο μέλη του adslgr, ειδικά σε κοντινή απόσταση λίγων μέτρων, όπου οι πιθανότητες παρανόησης είναι μικρές (σαν αυτές των δυο παιδιών στο φορουμ του astrovox).

    Εχω βρεί διάφορα στο Ελληνοφωνο Ιντερνετ, τα οποία θα σταδιακά μεταφέρω εδώ προς ενημέρωση και συζήτηση.

    Τελος, στην ακόλουθη δημοσίευση ο Ιταλός αστροφυσικός Teodorani (που ειναι στην επιστημονική ομάδα του Hessdalen) μιλα και για την πιθανή σύνδεση του φαινομένου UFO με "εξωγήινες επισκέψεις" (Extra Terrestrial Visitation)

    Massimo Teodorani, Ph.D. ASTROPHYSICIST
    CNR - Istituto di Radioastronomia / Radiotelescopi di Medicina
    Via Gobetti 101 - 40129 Bologna (Italia) / E-mail : mteo@linenet.it

    ABSTRACT. On the basis of statistical calculations on galactic migration which bring the necessity of insertion of a new parameter inside the Drake formula, the work-hypothesis named SETV predicts that exogenous vehicles and/or probes may have reached the Solar System too, including Earth. The technology which is now available is able to allow sensing operations both in the extreme borders of the solar system and on our own planet. The possible presence of probes of possible extraterrestrial origin on our planet may be ascertained by using a network of sensing stations which are placed in critical areas. One of them is the norwegian area of Hessdalen, where the two scientific explorative missions of “Project EMBLA” have carried out measurements which demonstrate the existence of all the anomalies of the luminous phenomenon which is present there. At present nothing proves scientifically that our planet is being visited by alien intelligences, nevertheless the remarkable peculiarity which was learnt in some areas of recurrence demonstrate that the verified phenomenology, of extreme importance for fundamental physics, presents characteristics which deserve a further investigation with highly sophisticated instrumentation.
    Το πληρες αρθρο http://www.zeitlin.net/OpenSETI/Docs...TI2002_OSI.htm
    Προβολή της Ελλάδας στο Facebook εγγραφείτε και προσκαλέστε τους φίλους σας

    Greece: 2,500 years past its prime! "Ancient Greece was the birthplace of art, science, democracy, medicine, poetry, and philosophy. Today, however, the nation has more important things to do than contribute to the advancement of the human race." -- The Onion atlas' country profile for Greece

  13. #463
    Παράθεση Αρχικό μήνυμα από MNP-10 Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων
    2) Καποιο πανελ δορυφορου που αντικατοπτριζει τον ηλιο / space junk / διαστημικος σταθμος κτλ..
    Για δορυφόρους δες και το


    Java app 3D map με 900+ δορυφόρους ζουμάρεις, το περιστρέφεις κλπ. Και κάνει update real-time
    Προβολή της Ελλάδας στο Facebook εγγραφείτε και προσκαλέστε τους φίλους σας

    Greece: 2,500 years past its prime! "Ancient Greece was the birthplace of art, science, democracy, medicine, poetry, and philosophy. Today, however, the nation has more important things to do than contribute to the advancement of the human race." -- The Onion atlas' country profile for Greece

  14. #464
    Επισης άπαιχτο είναι το


    Aladin is an interactive software sky atlas allowing the user to visualize digitized images of any part of the sky, to superimpose entries from astronomical catalogs or personal user data files, and to interactively access related data and information from the SIMBAD, NED, VizieR, or other archives for all known objects in the field (see available data). Aladin is particularly useful for multi-spectral cross-identifications of astronomical sources, observation preparation and quality control of new data sets.
    Προβολή της Ελλάδας στο Facebook εγγραφείτε και προσκαλέστε τους φίλους σας

    Greece: 2,500 years past its prime! "Ancient Greece was the birthplace of art, science, democracy, medicine, poetry, and philosophy. Today, however, the nation has more important things to do than contribute to the advancement of the human race." -- The Onion atlas' country profile for Greece

  15. #465
    Για να είμαστε ακριβοδίκαιοι στο topic, θα πρέπει να αναφερθούμε και στην "αλλη αποψη", στους σκεπτικιστές και στους "debunkers" (αυτούς που αρνούνται την ύπαρξη UFO, και που αποκαλώ "οπαδούς της Επίπεδης Γης") και τα επιχειρήματά τους.

    Οπως προανέφερα, στις μέρες μας οι UFO-σκεπτικιστές είναι στην πλειοψηφία τους διάφοροι φιλόλογοι, φιλόσοφοι, ψυχολόγοι κλπ "social scientists", οι οποίοι μη έχοντας ασχοληθεί ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΩΔΩΣ με (είτε μη έχοντας το γνωστικό υπόβαθρο να κατανοήσουν) την ουσία, το αντιμετωπίζουν σαν "psychological aberration":

    "δεν είδες αυτό που είδες, ήταν της φαντασίας σου"
    "το μυαλό του ανθρώπου παίζει περίεργα παιχνίδια" (και οι φωτ.μηχανές? )
    "mass hallucination" κλπ

    κι στους UFO-σκεπτικιστές βρίσκονται και κάποιοι αστρονόμοι και με τα επιχειρήματά τους θα ασχοληθώ στη συνέχεια.
    Προβολή της Ελλάδας στο Facebook εγγραφείτε και προσκαλέστε τους φίλους σας

    Greece: 2,500 years past its prime! "Ancient Greece was the birthplace of art, science, democracy, medicine, poetry, and philosophy. Today, however, the nation has more important things to do than contribute to the advancement of the human race." -- The Onion atlas' country profile for Greece

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Παρόμοια Θέματα

  1. Προβλήματα αγνώστης προέλευσης!
    Από mobster1940 στο φόρουμ Nova
    Μηνύματα: 8
    Τελευταίο Μήνυμα: 22-03-09, 17:01
  2. Αγνωστης ταυτοτητας εφαρμογη/παιζει μονο στον Explorer
    Από kafetulis στο φόρουμ Internet, web surfing και online υπηρεσίες
    Μηνύματα: 2
    Τελευταίο Μήνυμα: 01-12-07, 13:06



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