Επιστροφή στο Forum : Δυνατότητα αγοράς υπολογιστών χωρίς την Intel ME από 3 OEMs

04-12-17, 20:20
189090Τρεις κατασκευαστές υπολογιστών ανταποκρίθηκαν στην πρόσφατη αποκάλυψη πως πολλαπλά Intel chipsets έχουν σοβαρά κενά ασφαλείας στην Intel ME (Management Engine). (https://www.adslgr.com/forum/threads/1025563-%CE%A0%CE%BF%CE%BB%CF%8D-%CF%83%CE%BF%CE%B2%CE%B1%CF%81%CE%AD%CF%82-%CE%B5%CF%85%CF%80%CE%AC%CE%B8%CE%B5%CE%B9%CE%B5%CF%82-%CE%B5%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%BF%CF%80%CE%AF%CE%B6%CE%BF%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%B1%CE%B9-%CF%83%CE%B5-%CF%80%CE%BF%CE%BB%CE%BB%CE%B1%CF%80%CE%BB%CE%AC-Intel-chipsets?highlight=intel)

Συγκεκριμένα οι Dell, Purist, και System76, προσφέρουν νέους υπολογιστές με ανενεργή την Intel ME μέσω του firmware.

The first company to announce a decision on Intel ME was Purism, a company that describes itself as a freedom-respecting computer manufacturer.

What's surprising is that Purism took this step in October, almost a month before Intel published its security advisory about the Intel ME flaws.

It appears that the company took this decision just because someone else found a way to disable Intel ME and Purism decided to use it and improve its customers' privacy.

"Disabling the Management Engine is no easy task, and it has taken security researchers years to find a way to properly and verifiably disable it," the company explained in a blog post. "The Librem 13 and Librem 15 products can be purchased today and will arrive with the Management Engine disabled by default."

The second company that took a similar step was System76, a seller of custom Linux PC rigs. In a blog post this week, the company explains its decision and puts forward the following rollout plan.

System76 will automatically deliver updated firmware with a disabled ME on Intel 6th, 7th, and 8th Gen laptops. The ME provides no functionality for System76 laptop customers and is safe to disable.
The roll out will occur over time and customers will be notified by email prior to delivery
You must run Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 17.10, Pop!_OS 17.10, or an Ubuntu derivative and have the System76 driver installed to receive the latest firmware and disabled ME on laptops*
System76 will investigate producing a distro-agnostic command line firmware install tool. Follow us on your preferred social network for updates.
System76 will not disable the ME on desktops but will provide updated ME firmware
Desktop customers will receive instructions for updating the ME via email as they are available

Last but not least, a Reddit user also noticed this week that Dell modified its online store to allow customers to buy Intel-powered computers without Intel's Management Engine.

Πηγή : Bleeping Computer (https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/hardware/dell-other-vendors-start-shipping-laptops-with-intel-me-firmware-disabled/)

04-12-17, 22:03
Πάντως οι 5ης γενιας i3-i5-i7 δεν εχουν προβλημα

04-12-17, 23:08
Αυτά παθαίνεις όταν τρέχεις να προλάβεις τις εξελίξεις.

04-12-17, 23:52
Βασικά αυτά παθαίνεις όταν εφαρμόζεις security by obscurity.

05-12-17, 12:13
"σοβαρα κενα ασφαλειας" ενας ολοκληρος webserver να τρεχει μεσα στην cpu

08-12-17, 02:52
σαν την Intel δεν υπαρχουν πολλες εταιριες

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