28-11-05, 22:05
Σε ισχυρή έκρηξη σε ένα υποσταθμό παραγωγής ηλεκτρικού ρεύματος, στην περιοχή που στεγάζεται το Data Center που μας φιλοξενεί, οφειλεται το πολύωρο downtime του ADSLgr.com !
Την έκρηξη των 2 μετασχηματιστών ακολούθησε πυρκαγία που ξέφυγε γρήγορα από κάθε έλεγχο αφού επεκτάθηκε σε αποθήκες καυσίμων και εκτεταμένες διακοπές ρεύματος στην ευρύτερη περιοχή του Northeast Columbus!
Για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα το Data Center λειτουργούσε με τίς βοηθητικές γεννήτριες του μέχρι την τελική κατάρευση τους!
Αργά το απόγευμα κατά τίς 17:00 (ώρα Ελλάδος) αρχισαν σταδιακά να αποκαθιστούν τις ζημιές και για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα το Data Center λειτουργούσε σε emergency mode!
Δεν ξέρουμε ακόμα αν εχουν λυθεί όλα τα προβλήματα και άν θα παρουσιαστούν άλλες διακοπές στίς υπηρεσίες του Data Center και του dedicated server μας στην xlhost!
Ευχαριστούμε για την υπομονή σας!
Northeast Columbus
Thousands Without Power After Explosion
Nov 28, 2005, 07:01 PM
Reported by Tino Ramos and James Black
An explosion rocked the early morning silence in north Columbus after an electric substation caught on fire.
The flames burned out of control, knocking out power to thousands of people. There are still questions as to how it happened and when the electricity will be turned back on.
Power is still out for thousands of people who live in the area surrounding the electric power substation.
Two transformers blew early Monday morning, igniting thousands of gallons of fuel and forcing evacuations.
From Chopper 10, the view was of an explosive fireball and black smoke filling the neighborhood. Rescue crews were forced to evacuate just after 5 a.m.
"[I] looked out the bedroom window and saw nothing but a big huge fireball back here," says one resident.
The flames were so intense; neighbors say they could feel the heat from a block away. When firefighters arrived, they didn't have enough foam too battle it, and they realized there were 12,000 gallons of fuel that were burning up.
"That was the problem this morning. That's why we had such a difficult time putting it out. It was the petroleum that was leaking out," says Battalion Chief Doug Smith
Firefighters were watching the wind closely and weren't certain how toxic the fumes were. So police went door to door, and they went to Jason Endicott's home, whose backyard faced the burning substation.
Endicott says, "No, I didn't walk outside, I was worried about the fumes. But you could hear the burning it was a sound almost like a tornado. The rushing of the flames. It was amazing to see."
It took about two-and-a-half hours before firefighters were able to put it out. The fire caused $7 million in damage.
There were only a half a dozen homeowners that had to be evacuated, and everyone returned by 8 a.m.
Many merchants are still in the dark after Monday morning's substation fire.
On Columbus' north side, business owners and managers tried to cope with the possibility that power could be out the whole day.
For restaurants and vendors with perishable goods, the heat is on to move food and drinks to alternate locations.
The economic impact of this power outage could leave some merchants out in the cold, and cost businesses thousands.
The lights are slowly coming on, but traffic lights are still out. Columbus police are advising drivers to drive cautiously and courteously.
Rachael Dutton with AEP says 23,000 customers are still without power, but they hope to have it restored by the end of the night.
Την έκρηξη των 2 μετασχηματιστών ακολούθησε πυρκαγία που ξέφυγε γρήγορα από κάθε έλεγχο αφού επεκτάθηκε σε αποθήκες καυσίμων και εκτεταμένες διακοπές ρεύματος στην ευρύτερη περιοχή του Northeast Columbus!
Για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα το Data Center λειτουργούσε με τίς βοηθητικές γεννήτριες του μέχρι την τελική κατάρευση τους!
Αργά το απόγευμα κατά τίς 17:00 (ώρα Ελλάδος) αρχισαν σταδιακά να αποκαθιστούν τις ζημιές και για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα το Data Center λειτουργούσε σε emergency mode!
Δεν ξέρουμε ακόμα αν εχουν λυθεί όλα τα προβλήματα και άν θα παρουσιαστούν άλλες διακοπές στίς υπηρεσίες του Data Center και του dedicated server μας στην xlhost!
Ευχαριστούμε για την υπομονή σας!
Northeast Columbus
Thousands Without Power After Explosion
Nov 28, 2005, 07:01 PM
Reported by Tino Ramos and James Black
An explosion rocked the early morning silence in north Columbus after an electric substation caught on fire.
The flames burned out of control, knocking out power to thousands of people. There are still questions as to how it happened and when the electricity will be turned back on.
Power is still out for thousands of people who live in the area surrounding the electric power substation.
Two transformers blew early Monday morning, igniting thousands of gallons of fuel and forcing evacuations.
From Chopper 10, the view was of an explosive fireball and black smoke filling the neighborhood. Rescue crews were forced to evacuate just after 5 a.m.
"[I] looked out the bedroom window and saw nothing but a big huge fireball back here," says one resident.
The flames were so intense; neighbors say they could feel the heat from a block away. When firefighters arrived, they didn't have enough foam too battle it, and they realized there were 12,000 gallons of fuel that were burning up.
"That was the problem this morning. That's why we had such a difficult time putting it out. It was the petroleum that was leaking out," says Battalion Chief Doug Smith
Firefighters were watching the wind closely and weren't certain how toxic the fumes were. So police went door to door, and they went to Jason Endicott's home, whose backyard faced the burning substation.
Endicott says, "No, I didn't walk outside, I was worried about the fumes. But you could hear the burning it was a sound almost like a tornado. The rushing of the flames. It was amazing to see."
It took about two-and-a-half hours before firefighters were able to put it out. The fire caused $7 million in damage.
There were only a half a dozen homeowners that had to be evacuated, and everyone returned by 8 a.m.
Many merchants are still in the dark after Monday morning's substation fire.
On Columbus' north side, business owners and managers tried to cope with the possibility that power could be out the whole day.
For restaurants and vendors with perishable goods, the heat is on to move food and drinks to alternate locations.
The economic impact of this power outage could leave some merchants out in the cold, and cost businesses thousands.
The lights are slowly coming on, but traffic lights are still out. Columbus police are advising drivers to drive cautiously and courteously.
Rachael Dutton with AEP says 23,000 customers are still without power, but they hope to have it restored by the end of the night.