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19-11-21, 20:17
Ενω ειχες κανει αναβαθμισει το βασικο routeros-arm-6.49.1.npk το επαθε?


- - - Updated - - -

Και μετα εκανες install μονο το πακετο wireless απ το Extra packages?

Έτσι ακριβώς

- - - Updated - - -


Όντως πρώτη φορά μου έτυχε και το κακό είναι ότι έχασα φυσικά και όλες τις ρυθμίσεις που είχα στο wireless.

19-11-21, 21:17
Τώρα που μιλάμε θυμάμαι ότι κάτι παρόμοιο είχα πάθει παλιότερα κάνοντας restore από backup από διαφορετικό μοντέλο σε διαφορετικό.
Το πρόβλημα ήταν στο πακέτο του wireless και φαντάζομαι το έκανε γιατί το ένα είχε interface 5G ενώ το άλλο όχι.
Οπότε και απενεργοποιήθηκε από προστασία ίσως.
Διέγραψα το πακέτο και το πρόσθεσα ξανά και όλα οκ.

20-11-21, 17:07
Τώρα που μιλάμε θυμάμαι ότι κάτι παρόμοιο είχα πάθει παλιότερα κάνοντας restore από backup από διαφορετικό μοντέλο σε διαφορετικό.
Το πρόβλημα ήταν στο πακέτο του wireless και φαντάζομαι το έκανε γιατί το ένα είχε interface 5G ενώ το άλλο όχι.
Οπότε και απενεργοποιήθηκε από προστασία ίσως.
Διέγραψα το πακέτο και το πρόσθεσα ξανά και όλα οκ.


06-12-21, 14:50
What's new in 6.49.2 (2021-Dec-03 14:53):

*) device-mode - improved flagged router configuration detection;

06-12-21, 16:32
7 stable

Είμαι από κινητο

06-12-21, 18:38
7 stable

Είμαι από κινητο

Καλύτερα να γράφουμε για την 7 στο θέμα με το "καλορίζικο".

07-12-21, 20:41
What's new in 6.48.6 (2021-Dec-03 12:15):

!) device-mode - added feature locking mechanism;

Changes since 6.48.5:

*) certificate - improved stability when sending bogus SCEP message;
*) quickset - use 5GHz interface's country for "Home AP Dual" configuration;
*) system - improved system stability if device is upgraded from RouterOS and/or RouterBOOT v6.41.4 or older;
*) upgrade - added new "upgrade" channel for upgrades between major versions;
*) winbox - do not allow to add/remove W60G interfaces;
*) wireless - added U-NII-2 support for US and Canada country profiles for cAP ac XL and QRT 5 ac;

15-02-22, 13:12
New RouterOS 6.49.3 (Dec/22/2021 13:49:22):

*) bridge - improved system stability when initialising bridge interface
*) console - updated copyright notice;
*) defconf - fixed secondary-frequency configuration;
*) ethernet - improved system stability when receiving large packets on devices with 88F3720 CPU (nRAY, LHGG);
*) led - fixed default LED configuration for CubeG-5ac60ad;
*) netinstall - fixed x86 installation process;
*) socks - fixed SOCKS5 support;
*) upgrade - improved 404 error handling when checking for new versions;
*) winbox - show "System/Health" only on boards that have health monitoring;
*) wireless - added U-NII-2 support for US and Canada country profiles for OmniTik 5, Metal 52 ac, and GrooveA 52 devices;
*) x86 - fixed downgrade from RouterOS v7.1.2 and above;

02-03-22, 12:09
What's new in 6.49.4 (2022-Feb-25 09:33):

*) capsman - improved stability when running background scan on CAP;
*) lora - fixed "antenna-gain" parameter unit;
*) ssl - disabled RC4 and 3DES ciphers for "www-ssl", "www-api" and OVPN services;
*) traffic-flow - do not handle NAT events when "nat-events" is disabled;
*) wireless - added "3gpp-info" parameter to interworking configuration;
*) wireless - added EAP-AKA to interworking's realm configuration;
*) wireless - correctly preserve WMM priority when receiving packets;
*) wireless - updated "philippines" regulatory domain information;

16-03-22, 13:03
What's new in 6.49.5 (2022-Mar-14 13:31):

*) defconf - fixed invalid default password setting after configuration reset (introduced in v6.49.4);
*) sfp - improved SFP module detection on CRS106 and CRS112;

16-03-22, 14:16
*) defconf - fixed invalid default password setting after configuration reset (introduced in v6.49.4);

Θα ήθελα να ξέρω τι είδους αλλαγές κάνουν από μια έκδοση σε άλλη ώστε να χαλάνε πράγματα που δουλεύουν όπως το παραπάνω.

16-03-22, 14:35
Θα ήθελα να ξέρω τι είδους αλλαγές κάνουν από μια έκδοση σε άλλη ώστε να χαλάνε πράγματα που δουλεύουν όπως το παραπάνω.

Γελανε και οι πέτρες...ακου μετα απο reset να μην μπορεις να μπεις στη συσκευη...

16-03-22, 14:43
Αν ειχες κανει ρεσετ........... απλα τον επινες.

16-03-22, 21:17
Θα κρατάμε back up ακόμα κι για αυτό!!!

16-03-22, 22:03
backup πάντα και για όλα.

17-03-22, 13:07
Με netinstall φανταζομαι το επανεφερες αλλα αυτο δεν μειωνει τη μ@λακια που εκαναν

22-03-22, 12:31
7.1.4 is released.

What's new in 7.1.4 (2022-Mar-21 13:23):

*) bgp - fixed VPNv4 route sending to remote peer;
*) bridge - fixed destination NAT when using "use-ip-firewall" setting;
*) bridge - fixed filter rules when using interface lists;
*) bridge - fixed priority tagged frame forwarding when using "frame-types=admit-only-untagged-and-priority-tagged" setting;
*) capsman - improved stability when running background scan on CAP;
*) crs3xx - improved maximum allowed ACL rule calculation;
*) crs3xx - improved system stability when creating many ACL rules on CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+ and CRS354 devices;
*) l2tp - improved system stability when processing L2TP control messages;
*) lte - made "no" the default value for "use-network-apn" parameter;
*) lte - made "RG502QEAAAR11A06M4G" the last OTA firmware version update for Chateau 5G in RouterOS 7.1.x release tree;
*) ntp - improved source address usage for reply packets;
*) ospf - fixed default route origination when "default-originate=if-installed" "redistribute" is enabled;
*) ospf - fixed incorrect LSA types when changing area types;
*) ppp - added "comment" option for PPPoE servers;
*) queue - improved system stability when using more than 255 unique packet marks;
*) route - fixed ECMP load balancing in FastPath;
*) route - fixed route addition to VRF from BGP;
*) route - fixed routing configuration export on SMIPS devices;
*) route-filters - renamed "*-set" to "*-list";
*) sfp - improved SFP module detection on CRS106 and CRS112;
*) switch - fixed port-isolation misconfiguration detection when using multiple switches;
*) traffic-flow - do not handle NAT events when "nat-events" is disabled;
*) ups - fixed UPS support;
*) winbox - added "VPN" tab to "Routing/BGP" menu;
*) winbox - added "VRF" parameter for "SSH" and "Telnet" menus;
*) winbox - do not show "Antenna Scan" button on devices that do not support it;
*) wireguard - allow same peer's public key for different interfaces;
*) wireless - added "3gpp-info" parameter to interworking configuration;
*) wireless - added EAP-AKA to interworking's realm configuration;
*) wireless - fixed interface initialization on Metal 2SHPn;

22-03-22, 12:54
Νομίζω έχουμε μπερδευτεί :lol: Καλορίζικη 7.1 (https://www.adslgr.com/forum/threads/1216230-%CE%9A%CE%B1%CE%BB%CE%BF%CF%81%CE%AF%CE%B6%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%B7-7-1/)

22-03-22, 13:39
Νομίζω έχουμε μπερδευτεί

Είπα να ακολουθήσω την προτροπή του denisun ότι τα βάζουμε εδώ,
αλλά ναι, έχουμε μπερδευτεί.

22-03-22, 15:23
Κακώς είχε ξεκινήσει νέο θέμα με συγκεκριμένη release.
Όταν πάμε στην 7.2 θα ανοίξουμε νέο κοκ;
Υποτίθεται ότι προβλήματα και ενημερώσεις για ros θα τα βάζαμε εδώ.

22-03-22, 15:39
Κακώς είχε ξεκινήσει νέο θέμα με συγκεκριμένη release.
Όταν πάμε στην 7.2 θα ανοίξουμε νέο κοκ;
Υποτίθεται ότι προβλήματα και ενημερώσεις για ros θα τα βάζαμε εδώ.


Παρτο πανω σου


Καλυτερα να ανοιξεις απο τωρα "Περι ROS 7 ο λόγος"

Να τα βαζουμε εκει

Ποιος να το φανταζοτανε το χαλι της 7?

22-03-22, 17:38
7.1.5 changelog:
*) route - fixed "table" menu emptying after RouterOS upgrade;

22-03-22, 17:39
Καλά πλάκα μας κάνουν:whip:

22-03-22, 17:43
Καλά πλάκα μας κάνουν:whip:

mozilla κατάντησαν...

22-03-22, 17:49
Για τα πανηγύρια...

Δεν βαζω πουθενα τιποτε.

Για να μην περιμενω την 8 καμια 10ετια θα περιμενω την 7.2

22-03-22, 17:53
Για να μην περιμενω την 8 καμια 10ετια θα περιμενω την 7.2

Αισιόδοξο σε βλέπω.

22-03-22, 17:58
Χαχαχα τωρα που το σκεφτηκα καλυτερα αν βγαζουν 1-2 καθημερινα την βλεπω να ερχεται η 8 νωρις :rofl:

05-04-22, 11:10
What's new in 7.2 (2022-Mar-31 12:11):

*) api - accept "Content-Type" with specified charset;
*) arm - fixed "auto" CPU frequency setting;
*) arm - fixed "shutdown" command on hAP ac^2;
*) arm64 - improved Watchdog initiated reboot reason reporting;
*) arm64 - improved low disk space handling condition on upgrade;
*) backup - added "force-v6-to-v7-configuration-upgrade" option on backup load to clear RouterOS v7 configuration and trigger reimport of RouterOS v6 route configuration (CLI only);
*) backup - fixed automatic backup generation when resetting configuration;
*) backup - fixed cloud backup's creation timezone;
*) bgp - added BGP advertisements display (requires output.keep-sent-attributes to be set);
*) bgp - do not export default BGP values;
*) bgp - fixed VPNv4 route sending to remote peer;
*) bgp - fixed link-local iBGP address selection;
*) bgp - fixed network advertisement from address-lists after reboot;
*) bgp - fixed routing table and BGP configuration order in export;
*) bgp - improvements on detecting peers local address when IPv6 link-local addresses are used;
*) bluetooth - allow to export device, advertiser and scanner configuration;
*) bluetooth - disable scanning by default;
*) bridge - added fast-path and inter-VLAN routing FastTrack support when vlan-filtering is enabled;
*) bridge - fixed FastPath when using "frame-types=admit-only-untagged-and-priority-tagged" setting;
*) bridge - fixed PPPoE packet forwarding when using "use-ip-firewall-for-pppoe" setting;
*) bridge - fixed bridge filter and NAT rules on ARM64 and TILE devices;
*) bridge - fixed destination NAT when using "use-ip-firewall" setting;
*) bridge - fixed filter and NAT "set-priority" action;
*) bridge - fixed filter and NAT "set-priority" on ARM64 devices;
*) bridge - fixed filter rules when using interface lists;
*) bridge - fixed firewall "ingress-priority" matcher and "new-priority=from-ingress" action settings from VLAN tagged frames;
*) bridge - fixed priority tagged frame forwarding when using "frame-types=admit-only-untagged-and-priority-tagged" setting;
*) capsman - improved stability when running background scan on CAP;
*) capsman - improved system stability when processing CAP packet by Mangle;
*) ccr2004 - improved PCI timeout handling on CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe;
*) ccr2004 - improved system stability on CCR2004-12S+2XS;
*) certificate - allow to choose digest algorithm for CSR signing;
*) certificate - made "fingerprint" parameter read-only;
*) chr - improved system stability when writing into memory;
*) chr - temporarily suspended downgrade to RouterOS v6;
*) clock - properly notify all instances about time changes;
*) conntrack - properly detect helper status;
*) console - fixed "print" command with additional "where" condition;
*) console - improved console responsiveness when processing received characters;
*) console - made "password" parameter mandatory when creating a new user;
*) console - properly erase CLI history after configuration reset;
*) console - updated copyright notice;
*) crs1xx/2xx - fixed static switch host addresses after link down;
*) crs1xx/2xx - ignore static bridge host addresses (switch unicast-fdb should be used instead);
*) crs3xx - fixed CPU load balancing for ARM dual core devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed QSFP+ interface LEDs;
*) crs3xx - fixed watchdog timer functionality;
*) crs3xx - improved SFP+ interface linking after reboot for CRS312 device;
*) crs3xx - improved maximum allowed ACL rule calculation;
*) crs3xx - improved system stability when creating many ACL rules on CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+ and CRS354 devices;
*) defconf - made "" the default LAN IP address for LTE CPE devices;
*) dhcp-server - fixed DHCP Option decimal value parsing;
*) dhcp-server - fixed statistics sending in "Accounting Stop" packets;
*) dhcp-server - send "Class" attribute in "Accounting Request" when provided by RADIUS;
*) dhcpv4-server - allow adding comments;
*) dhcpv4-server - remove dynamic leases when server configuration is removed;
*) dhcpv4-server - reset dynamic "bcast" flag when receiving offer from DHCP relay;
*) dhcpv4-server - reset offer counter when receiving offer from DHCP relay;
*) dhcpv6 - added VRF support;
*) dot1x - added "server-fail-vlan-id", "guest-vlan-id" and "reauth-timeout" settings for dot1x server;
*) dot1x - added "src-address", "src-mac-address" and "src-port" settings for dynamic switch rules;
*) dot1x - added NAS-Port-ID attribute for RADIUS Access-Request;
*) dude - fixed The Dude client compatibility with RouterOS v7;
*) dude - fixed The Dude compatibility with ARM64;
*) ethernet - improved system stability when receiving large packets on devices with 88F3720 CPU (nRAY, LHGG);
*) firewall - improved available port lookup for source NAT when free port range is exhausted;
*) graphing - properly generate interface graph for traffic higher than 2.1Gbps;
*) hotspot - fixed login page over HTTPS;
*) hotspot - fixed memory leak on every web page loading;
*) hotspot - fixed web page loading using HTTPS;
*) ike2 - ignore "INITIAL-CONTACT" payload on responder when "send-initial-contact" is disabled;
*) interface - fixed minor memory leak when interface or connected route is changed;
*) ipsec - added hardware acceleration support for CCR2116;
*) ipsec - fixed "identities" menu emptying after RouterOS upgrade/reboot;
*) ipv6 - do not add duplicate dynamic prefix when static already exists;
*) ipv6 - fixed "retransmissit-interval" unit value;
*) ipv6 - fixed VLAN tagged PPPoE packet receiving on RB5009;
*) l2tp - fixed CHAP challenge packet processing over IPsec;
*) l2tp - improved service stability when disabling L2TP server with connected clients;
*) l2tp - improved system stability when processing L2TP control messages;
*) l3hw - added HW offloaded FastTrack support for inter-VLAN routing;
*) l3hw - fixed HW offloaded NAT;
*) l3hw - fixed HW offloaded routing when using 7 or more VLAN interfaces;
*) l3hw - fixed ICMP message when routed packet exceeds MTU and DF flag is set;
*) l3hw - fixed bonding source MAC address;
*) l3hw - fixed default route offloading for CRS305, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328, netPower, netFiber devices;
*) l3hw - improved routing table offloading for CRS305, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328, netPower, netFiber devices;
*) l3hw - improved system stability when using 7 or more VLAN interfaces;
*) led - fixed LED behavior on Audience;
*) led - reduced LTE signal LED range to -70;
*) leds - fixed user LED on RB750Gr3;
*) log - added warning message when connection tracking table is full;
*) log - include message also in e-mail body;
*) lora - fixed "antenna-gain" parameter unit;
*) lte - add IPv6 address on interface as well;
*) lte - added 3 APN profile support and APN name re-using on R11e-LTE6;
*) lte - added MAC address and IPv6 LL address persistence after reboot on EG12 and EG18 modems;
*) lte - added basic information support for Telit LM960 and LM940 in MBIM mode;
*) lte - added class based support for configless RNDIS LTE modems;
*) lte - added support for Uplink CA reporting;
*) lte - changed "CS/PS" registration type from "both" to "any" on R11e-LTE un R11e-LTE6;
*) lte - do not loose "band" configuration after reboot on Chateau 5G;
*) lte - do not show external antenna selector on devices that does not support it;
*) lte - enabled multi-APN and name re-use support for Chateau;
*) lte - expose diagnostics channel for all modems;
*) lte - fixed "monitor" command to not report old info;
*) lte - fixed AT command response handling on R11e-LTE;
*) lte - fixed IPv6 address addition after startup on R11e-LTE6;
*) lte - fixed MBIM modem reset on AT timeout;
*) lte - fixed link flapping when loosing cellular signal on R11e-LTE un R11e-LTE6;
*) lte - fixed packet forwarding on R11e-4G and R11e-LTE-US;
*) lte - fixed possible timeouts when sending SMS in LTE only mode on R11e-LTE;
*) lte - fixed support for Sierra MC7710;
*) lte - fixed support for Telit 960;
*) lte - improved stability on "+EGMR" response in MBIM mode;
*) lte - improved stability when modem disappears during firmware upgrade;
*) lte - improved support for sending/receiving SMS in LTE only mode on R11e-LTE6;
*) lte - made "no" the default value for "use-network-apn" parameter;
*) lte - properly recognize MBIM modem in USB port as LTE on Chateau 5G;
*) ntp - allow adding duplicate server address if dynamic entry exists;
*) ntp - fixed multicast mode support;
*) ntp - improved IPv6 address support;
*) ntp - improved service stability when none of the NTP servers are reachable for a while;
*) ntp - improved source address usage for reply packets;
*) ntp - print log change time with time-zone applied;
*) ospf - added "ptmp-broadcast" interface type (compatible with RouterOSv6 PTMP type);
*) ospf - convert ospf "static" redistribute to "static,dhcp,modem,vpn" after update from RouterOS v6;
*) ospf - fixed MD5 authentication;
*) ospf - fixed NBMA hello's not being sent if priority is set to 0;
*) ospf - fixed default route origination when "default-originate=if-installed" "redistribute" is enabled;
*) ospf - fixed default type-3 LSA's not being injected to stub area;
*) ospf - fixed distance if "originate-default" is set to "always";
*) ospf - fixed external LSA not updating after prefix netmask change;
*) ospf - fixed incorrect LSA types when changing area types;
*) ospf - fixed neighbor election failure;
*) ospf - fixed neighbor stuck in ExStart;
*) ospf - fixed simple authentication;
*) ospf - general stability improvements;
*) ospf - improved DB retransmit logging;
*) ospf - improved logging;
*) ospf - improved overall stability;
*) ospf - improved stability for very large LSDB;
*) ospf - improved stability on OSPFv3 instance disabling;
*) ospf - improved stability when DR goes down;
*) ospf - improves stability when handling looped back OSPF packets;
*) ospf - properly set VRF for gateway;
*) ospf - send notifies for neighbors;
*) ovpn - added SHA2 authentication algorithm support;
*) ovpn - added hardware acceleration support for IPQ4018/IPQ4019 and AL* series chipsets;
*) ovpn - added option to send disconnect message in UDP mode;
*) ovpn - fixed large option message parsing;
*) ovpn - improved UDP session handling;
*) ovpn - improved memory allocation on Tile in "ethernet" mode;
*) ovpn - improved system stability in high load scenarios;
*) pimsm - fixed menu prints;
*) pimsm - general stability improvements;
*) poe - fixed PoE driver loading on CRS354-48P-4S+2Q+;
*) poe - update PoE firmware only on devices that support it;
*) ppp - added "comment" option for PPPoE servers;
*) ppp - fixed AT+CPIN chat when SIM PIN is specified;
*) ppp - improved stability when handling large amount of connections simultaneously;
*) ppp - show local and remote IPv6 addresses (CLI only);
*) pppoe - added option to configure "host-uniq" parameter;
*) pppoe - added option to ignore PADI messages with empty service name;
*) pppoe - use default MTU of 1492;
*) pptp - added insecure connection warning;
*) pptp - show insecure connection warning on dynamic interfaces;
*) qsfp - correctly display auto-negotiation status;
*) queue - fixed queued IPv6 traffic considered as "invalid" by Firewall;
*) queue - improved system stability when processing traffic;
*) queue - improved system stability when using more than 255 unique packet marks;
*) rb4011 - fixed jumbo frame processing on SFP+ port when using 1G module;
*) rip - added logging;
*) rip - fixed route metrics;
*) rip - fixed route redistribution;
*) rip - use nexthop with interface;
*) route - allow OSPF and RIP redistributed routes to be matched by routing filters;
*) route - fixed "min-prefix" configuration when set to 0;
*) route - fixed "suppress-hw-offload" update;
*) route - fixed "table" menu emptying after RouterOS upgrade;
*) route - fixed BGP atomic aggregate value;
*) route - fixed ECMP load balancing in FastPath;
*) route - fixed ECMP route removal;
*) route - fixed route addition to VRF from BGP;
*) route - fixed router's LSA for PTP networks;
*) route - fixed routing configuration export on SMIPS devices;
*) route - general stability improvements;
*) route - improved routing table print speed;
*) route - show OSPF and RIP specific attributes in "/routing route" table;
*) route-filter - fixed "return" action;
*) route-filter - fixed complex matchers with "|| or and &&";
*) route-filter - fixed incorrect invert-match configuration upgrade from RouterOS v6;
*) route-filter - fixed range conversion after update from RouterOS v6;
*) route-filters - allow to filter and modify default route if "originate-default" is set to "always";
*) route-filters - fixed possible address list race condition and memory leak;
*) route-filters - renamed "*-set" to "*-list";
*) routerboard - fixed "ether2" interface presence on some RBwAPGR devices;
*) routerboard - fixed WPS button functionality on Audience;
*) routing - added PCAP viewer tool for BGP advertisements debugging purposes;
*) routing-filter - fixed "bgp-*-communities-empty" matcher;
*) rpki - made RPKI verify non-strict, introduces new state "unverified";
*) rpki - show expire timer;
*) sfp - improved SFP module detection on CRS106 and CRS112;
*) smb - fixed SMB2.0 disk size reporting;
*) smips - improved RAM allocation;
*) sms - increased "at-chat" timeout when sending SMS;
*) snmp - added SFP vendor name to optical table;
*) snmp - added support for "ipv6AddrPrefixTable" and "ipv6RouteNumber" OID's;
*) snmp - allow two level nesting for vlan, bonding speed query;
*) socks - fixed SOCKS5 support;
*) ssh - fixed forwarding with IPv6 link-local addresses;
*) ssl - fixed CA certificate processing when "subjAltName" is marked as critical;
*) supout - added "port-controller" bridge section;
*) switch - added "rx-overflow" counter for 88E6393X (RB5009) and 88E6191X (CCR2004-16G-2S+) switch chips;
*) switch - fixed port-isolation misconfiguration detection when using multiple switches;
*) switch - improved packet forwarding with enabled "cpu-flow-control" setting between different rate interfaces for 88E6393X (RB5009) and 88E6191X (CCR2004-16G-2S+) switch chips;
*) switch - improved switch chip initialization process on bootup for CCR2004-16g-2s+ devices;
*) switch - properly limit maximum number of switch rules to 256 on RB5009;
*) system - fixed license loss on some RB1100Dx4 and RB4011 devices;
*) tr069-client - accept 200-299 codes for HTTP diagnostics;
*) tr069-client - added support for 5G band configuration;
*) tr069-client - added support for wireless "skip-DFS" configuration;
*) tr069-client - added support for wireless client uptime reporting;
*) tr069-client - fixed RPC download of "3 Vendor Configuration File" with branding package;
*) traffic-flow - do not handle NAT events when "nat-events" is disabled;
*) traffic-generator - fixed transmit speed for multiple asymmetric streams;
*) upgrade - improved 404 error handling when checking for new versions;
*) upgrade - improved downgrade prompt message;
*) ups - fixed UPS support;
*) usb - fixed display of incorrect port count for USB serial ports;
*) user - removed obsolete "tikapp" policy;
*) user - send "Class" attribute in "Accounting Request" when provided by RADIUS;
*) vlan - fixed improper VLAN priority addition for routed packets;
*) vxlan - allow unsetting "group" and "interface" properties;
*) vxlan - fixed running state after reboot when using "interface" and "group" settings;
*) webfig - do not show side menu if WebFig is disabled by skin;
*) webfig - fixed default configuration popup presence;
*) webfig - fixed user policy lookup for skin designer;
*) wifiwave2 - added "client-isolation" feature;
*) wifiwave2 - added support for handling disconnect request messages from RADIUS servers;
*) wifiwave2 - fixed calling "scan" and "frequency-scan" commands through the API;
*) winbox - added "Disconnect Notify" checkbox to "Interface/OVPN Client" menu;
*) winbox - added "Freq. Usage" and "Scan" buttons for WifiWave2 interfaces;
*) winbox - added "Ignore Missing" selector to "System/Packages" menu;
*) winbox - added "Mode" parameter under "Wireless" menu with WifiWave2 package;
*) winbox - added "Routing Table" parameter for IPv6 routes;
*) winbox - added "TLS Version" parameter for "Interface/OVPN";
*) winbox - added "VPN" tab to "Routing/BGP" menu;
*) winbox - added "VRF" parameter for "SSH" and "Telnet" menus;
*) winbox - added "VRF" parameter to "IP/Services" menu;
*) winbox - added "comment" parameter to "User Manager/Users" menu;
*) winbox - added "host-uniq" parameter to PPPoE client interface;
*) winbox - added MLAG support;
*) winbox - added SHA256 and SHA512 "Auth" values for OVPN menu's;
*) winbox - added ZeroTier support;
*) winbox - added explicit "Upload" and "Download" names for "Bucket Size" parameters under "Queues" menu;
*) winbox - added interface list support for "IP/Traffic Flow" menu;
*) winbox - added local/remote CPU load parameters for "Bandwidth Test";
*) winbox - added missing "3GGP RAW" parameter under "Interface/Wireless/Interworking Profile" menu;
*) winbox - added missing "accounting", "interim-update" and "radius-password" parameters under "IP/DHCP Server" menu;
*) winbox - added support for "Tool/Speedtest" menu;
*) winbox - added support for W60G align tool;
*) winbox - allow adding more than 100 tagged/untagged interfaces under "Bridge/VLAN" menu;
*) winbox - allow configuring "VTEP" under "Interface/VXLAN" menu;
*) winbox - allow setting "Interface" parameter for 100G LED types;
*) winbox - changed "Accept Redirects" parameter type under "IPv6/Settings" menu;
*) winbox - do not require "name" and "file name" parameters for certificate import/export;
*) winbox - do not show "Antenna Scan" button on devices that do not support it;
*) winbox - do not show connection tracking table if it has more than 10000 entries;
*) winbox - fixed "00:00:00" time printing;
*) winbox - fixed "Switch" menu on Chateau devices;
*) winbox - fixed "action" field in "IP/Web Proxy/Access" menu;
*) winbox - fixed "expires-after" certificate parameter value;
*) winbox - fixed CHR License renewing process;
*) winbox - fixed address list type parameters in "Routing" menu;
*) winbox - fixed content filtering in "Tools/Packet Sniffer/Packets" menu;
*) winbox - fixed entry order in "Tools/Packet Sniffer/Packets" menu;
*) winbox - fixed error message when adding NTH rule with "0" value;
*) winbox - fixed minor typo under "LTE" interface menu;
*) winbox - fixed switch related settings for MT7621 switch chip (hEX, hEX S, RBM33G, RBM11G, LtAP);
*) winbox - made "9" the default value for "Target" parameter under "IP/Traffic Flow" menu;
*) winbox - made "Routing Filters/Rules" table sortable;
*) winbox - made OSPF interface type names consistent between CLI and GUI;
*) winbox - moved "IP/Route/Nexthops" and "IPv6/Route/Nexthops" menus to "Routing/Nexthops";
*) winbox - moved IPv4 and IPv6 "Rules" menus under "Routing" menu;
*) winbox - properly limit "Disconnect Timeout" value under "CAPsMAN/Configuration" menu;
*) winbox - properly save "IPv6/Settings" menu in session file;
*) winbox - properly show "v" flag instead of "y" under "IP/Route" menu;
*) winbox - properly update ethernet auto negotiation status on CHR;
*) winbox - properly update server list under "System/NTP Client/Servers" menu;
*) winbox - renamed "Keep user configuration" to "Keep users" under "System/Reset Configuration" menu;
*) winbox - renamed "MBPS" to "Mbps" value unit name in "Tools/Traffic Generator" menu;
*) winbox - renamed "Revoked" parameter to "Revoked Time" under "System/Certificates" menu;
*) winbox - report local terminal session as "local" instead of "telnet";
*) winbox - require existing pool for "Address Pool" parameter under "IPv6/DHCP Server" menu;
*) winbox - require non empty "Packet Mark" value under "Queues" menu;
*) winbox - show "H" flag for offloaded connections in "IP/Firewall/Connections" menu;
*) winbox - show "Lost Ratio" column by default under "Tools/Traffic Generator" menu;
*) winbox - show "Routes" column by default under "PPP/Secrets" menu;
*) winbox - show "System/Health/Settings" only on boards that have configurable values;
*) winbox - show "System/SwOS" menu only on boards that have dual boot;
*) winbox - show additional columns by default for "Wireless" menu with WifiWave2 package;
*) winbox - sort "Address List" parameter values alphabetically in "IP/DHCP Server/Leases" menu;
*) winbox - updated default "Routing/BGP/Peer Cache" table appearance;
*) winbox - use "total" as default value for "Tools/Profile";
*) wireguard - allow same peer's public key for different interfaces;
*) wireguard - fixed IPv6 LL address generation;
*) wireguard - fixed IPv6 traffic processing with multiple peers;
*) wireguard - made "preshared-key" and "private-key" values sensitive;
*) wireless - added "3gpp-info" parameter to interworking configuration;
*) wireless - added EAP-AKA to interworking's realm configuration;
*) wireless - added information about client signal strength to log messages about disconnections;
*) wireless - correctly preserve WMM priority when receiving packets;
*) wireless - fixed frequency range information for IPQ4019 interfaces;
*) wireless - fixed interface initialization on Metal 2SHPn;
*) wireless - improved nv2 link stability;
*) wireless - improved wireless connection stability during background scans;
*) www - fixed "tls-version" for SSL;
*) x86 - added support for Intel E810 NIC;
*) x86 - allow to select disk for install image;
*) x86 - fixed NVME partition path;
*) x86 - fixed VLAN tagged packet transmit;
*) x86 - made "no" the default value for "disable-running-check" ethernet parameter;
*) x86 - properly distinguish multiple NICs that share the same PCI bus number;
*) zerotier - fixed IPv6 support;
*) zerotier - made MAC and MTU values read-only;
*) zerotier - properly handle IP address change;

- - - Updated - - -

*) queue - fixed queued IPv6 traffic considered as "invalid" by Firewall;
*) queue - improved system stability when processing traffic;
*) queue - improved system stability when using more than 255 unique packet marks;

Ελπίζω όντως να τα διόρθωσαν.
Κράζανε πολλοί γι αυτό και δεν δίνανε καμιά απάντηση.
Και σε ticket που άνοιξα... νέκρα.

Στην ουσία με την 7 δεν είχες qos σε v6.

05-04-22, 12:16
Πολλές και χρήσιμες αλλαγές. Κλασικά θα περιμένω λίγο, να δούμε πρώτα και τι χαλάει :)

05-04-22, 14:39
Το ίδιο θα κάνω και εγώ θα περιμένω λίγο.

05-04-22, 16:22
Εγώ την πέρασα.
Διορθώθηκαν πολλά σε βαθμό που πλέον είναι λειτουργική.
Έχει μικρά πραγματάκια που δεν δουλεύουν αλλά δεν είναι ζωτικής σημασίας.

05-04-22, 18:50
Εγώ την πέρασα.
Διορθώθηκαν πολλά σε βαθμό που πλέον είναι λειτουργική.
Έχει μικρά πραγματάκια που δεν δουλεύουν αλλά δεν είναι ζωτικής σημασίας.


05-04-22, 18:58
Όλα καλά στα 2 μου cAP ac.

05-04-22, 20:59
Κατόπιν σκέψης αποφάσισα τελικά να το περάσω και εγώ, αφού περιμέναμε τόσο καιρό για ένα μεγάλο update δεν υπάρχει λόγος για περαιτέρω αναμονή.
Ότι είναι να γίνει θα γίνει.
Μέχρι τώρα όλα καλά. Αναβάθμισα σε 5 συσκευές.

07-04-22, 02:22
Λέτε τελικά πριν το τέλος του 22 να μιλάμε για πραγματική stable έκδοση;

07-04-22, 19:13
Εδώ (https://www.adslgr.com/forum/threads/858120-Mikrotik-QoS-%CE%B3%CE%B9%CE%B1-IPv4-IPv6?p=7239618#post7239618) κάποιες δοκιμές με cake.

13-04-22, 14:29
7.2.1 changelog:
*) filesystem - improved long-term filesystem stability and data integrity;

- - - Updated - - -

7.3beta33 changelog:

*) bgp - added initial support for prefix limit;
*) bonding - added "lacp-user-key" setting;
*) ccr - added visible "passthrough" flag for interfaces on CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe;
*) ccr - usability and stability improvements for passthrough interfaces on CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe;
*) cd-install - allow selecting on which drive to install RouterOS;
*) conntrack - limited full Connection Tracking warning to 1 message per minute;
*) dhcpv4-server - added "age" parameter for dynamic leases;
*) dhcpv4-server - fixed conflicting or declined lease detection when IP pool differs from server's configuration;
*) filesystem - improved UBIFS stability and data integrity after downgrade to RouterOS v6 and upgrade to RouterOS v7;
*) gps - added GPS package support for Chateau devices;
*) ipv6 - added "ra-preference" parameter support for RA;
*) ipv6 - removed bogus commands from IPv6 neighbors menu;
*) l3hw - improved route table offloading for CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+, CRS354, CRS5xx, CCR2x16 devices;
*) leds - fixed wireless related LED behavior with WW2 package;
*) lora - do not allow setting non-existing forwarding server;
*) lora - fixed bogus TOO_EARLY errors;
*) lora - removed TX lookup table;
*) lte - added MCS, CQI and RI value reporting for Fibocom FG621;
*) lte - added SMS sending support for MBIM protocol;
*) lte - added support for generic PXA1802 based modems;
*) lte - disabled wait for LTE auto attach;
*) lte - expose diagnostics channel for all modems;
*) lte - fixed LTE firwmare upgrade on RBLtAP-2HnD with R11e-LTE6;
*) lte - fixed Sierra MC7455 modem initialization;
*) lte - hide slave interfaces from export;
*) lte - improved stability when configuring multiple APN's at the same time in MBIM mode;
*) lte - improved stability when upgrading LTE firmware on Chateau 5G;
*) mlag - fixed MAC address moving between bridge ports;
*) mpls - do MPLS forwarding for nexthops without mappings;
*) mpls - fixed MPLS forwarding after any interface configuration parameter is changed;
*) ntp - fixed "use-local-clock" behavior when enabling server;
*) ovpn - fixed memory leak on TILE architecture;
*) ovpn - fixed packet processing on MT7621A;
*) ovpn - improved service stability when outbound packets are blocked by firewall in UDP mode;
*) ovpn - improved service stability when processing frequent disconnects in UDP mode;
*) port - do not loose "parity" setting;
*) route - fixed "nexthop" table printing;
*) route - fixed "table" menu emptying after RouterOS upgrade;
*) route - fixed static routes in VRF becoming invalid after reboot;
*) route-filter - fixed community matchers;
*) routerboard - fixed USB bus numbering on LtAP and M33G;
*) routerboot - added extra shortcut information on how to boot into etherboot;
*) sfp - added 2.5Gbps rate for SFP+ and QSFP+ interfaces on 98DXxxxx and 98PX1012 switches (requires disabled auto-negotiation);
*) sfp - improved Q/SFP interface initialization and stability for 98DXxxxx and 98PX1012 switches;
*) snmp - hide Vendor ID in DHCP MIB when branding is present;
*) supout - added IGMP-Proxy section;
*) supout - added NTP servers section;
*) supout - added PIMSM section;
*) supout - added RIP section;
*) supout - added WireGuard section;
*) switch - added option to match source and destination IP addresses in ARP packets for RB5009 (requires mac-protocol=arp setting);
*) system - fixed IP service initialization in VRF after system startup;
*) torch - properly capture all related IPv6 traffic;
*) tr069-client - fixed RPC download of "1 Vendor Configuration File" with branding package;
*) upnp - improved stability when processing incomplete HTTP header;
*) user-manager - added "Acct-Interim-Interval" to predefined attribute list;
*) w60g - improved stability on Cube 60Pro ac and CubeSA 60Pro ac;
*) webfig - properly show all routing table content;
*) winbox - added "ra-preference" parameter under "IPv6/ND" menu;
*) winbox - added SKID and AKID parameters under "Certificate" menu;
*) winbox - added warning message for LTE upgrade process;
*) winbox - do not auto start Wireless Sniffer when opened;
*) winbox - do not show "unknown" area under "Routing/OSPF/LSA" menu;
*) winbox - do not show type value for NXDOMAIN entries under "IP/DNS/Cache" menu;
*) winbox - fixed graph drawing in QuickSet;
*) winbox - fixed hex type values under "User Manager" menu;
*) winbox - fixed typo in ZeroTier instance title;
*) winbox - minimal required version is v3.33;
*) winbox - moved "src-address-list" and "dst-address-list" parameters to "General" tab under "IP/Firewall" menu;
*) winbox - properly clean up SFP module information after it is unplugged;
*) winbox - properly clean up disk after a failed file upload;
*) winbox - show "System/RouterBOARD/Mode Button" on devices that have such feature;
*) winbox - show PVID column by default under "Bridge" menu;
*) winbox - take into account timezone for timed values under "User Manager" menu;
*) wireless - fixed "wmm-support=required" checking;
*) wireless - fixed EAP-TLS authentication;
*) wireless - fixed GUD version in 3gpp information;
*) ww2 - fixed VLAN tag handling;
*) x86 - improved support for Intel E810 NIC;
*) zerotier - added support for Controller configuration;

13-04-22, 15:39
What's new in 6.49.6 (2022-Apr-07 17:53):

*) led - fixed wireless signal strength led on Cube Lite60;
*) routerboot - fixed packet receiving in etherboot on Wireless Wire nRAY;
*) winbox - added missing "3GGP RAW" parameter under "Interface/Wireless/Interworking Profile" menu;
*) wireless - fixed GUD version in 3gpp information;

20-04-22, 17:20
What's new in 7.3beta34 (2022-Apr-20 08:23):

*) bgp - improved stability when editing BGP template;
*) ccr - added "passthrough" flag for interfaces on CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe;
*) dhcpv4-server - added "age" parameter for dynamic leases;
*) dhcpv4-server - fixed minor logging typo;
*) export - fixed value ID exporting that does not refer to any name;
*) fetch - fixed SFTP upload;
*) filesystem - fixed possible boot failure on RB850Gx2 and RB1100AHx2;
*) filesystem - improved long-term filesystem stability and data integrity;
*) ipsec - fixed IPsec IRQ initialization on startup on TILE;
*) leds - fixed ethernet LED behavior on wAP R ac;
*) lte - disabled extended signal info query for Telit LN940 module;
*) ospf - fixed GRE interface compatibility with OSPF;
*) ospf - improved stability when enabling or removing interface-template entries;
*) ovpn - improved stability when forwarding traffic on TILE;
*) ping - fixed socket allocation after VRF change;
*) ppp - fixed active sessions sometimes getting stuck;
*) queues - improved stability in large list of queue scenarios;
*) rb5009 - fixed 10G linking issues with Intel X520, XXV710 NICs;
*) ssh - fail non-interactive client after first invalid password;
*) supout - added IGMP-Proxy section;
*) winbox - added "Comment" parameter for BGP templates and connections;
*) winbox - made "Interface Templates" table sortable under "Routing/OSPF" menu;
*) winbox - made "MPLS Interface" table sortable under "MPLS" menu;
*) winbox - made 56 the default ping size;
*) winbox - moved "src-address-list" and "dst-address-list" parameters to "General" tab under "IPv6/Firewall" menu;
*) winbox - show correct file system type under "System/Disks" menu;

26-04-22, 12:34
What's new in 7.3beta37 (2022-Apr-25 15:29):
*) bonding - fixed LACP flapping for RB5009 and CCR2004-16G-2S+ devices;
*) bridge - fixed packet marking for IP/IPv6 firewall;
*) dot1x - improved server stability when using re-authentication;
*) fetch - improved full disk detection;
*) gps - fixed minor value unit typo;
*) l3hw - improved offloading for directly connected hosts on CRS305, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328, CRS318, CRS310;
*) led - fixed QSFP+, QSFP28 activity LEDs when using 40Gbps modules (introduced in v7.3beta33);
*) lte - disabled wait for LTE auto attach;
*) mpls - fixed MPLS MTU and path MTU selection;
*) ovpn - fixed hardware offloading support on CHR;
*) ovpn - improved Windows client disconnect procedure in UDP mode;
*) ovpn - moved authentication failure messages to "info" logging level;
*) ppp - added warning when using prefix length other than /64 for router advertisement;
*) ppp - fixed "remote-ipv6-prefix" parameter unsetting;
*) ppp - fixed issue with multiple active sessions when "only-one" is enabled;
*) routerboot - properly reset system configuration when protected bootloader is enabled and reset button used;
*) rsvp-te - improved stability when "Resv" received for non-existing session;
*) sfp - improved QSFP/SFP interface initialization for 98DXxxxx switches;
*) switch - fixed missing stats from traffic-monitor for 98DXxxxx and 98PX1012 switches;
*) system - fixed RouterOS bootup when wifiwave2 package is installed (introduced in v7.3beta34);
*) system - fixed rare partial loss of RouterOS configuration after package upgrade/downgrade/install/uninstall;
*) user-manager - improved stability when received EAP attribute with non-existing state attribute;
*) vpls - fixed "pw-l2mtu" parameter usage;

26-04-22, 12:46
*) ovpn - improved Windows client disconnect procedure in UDP mode;

Είχα πρόβλημα με την σύνδεση σε 11άρια με udp.
Έβγαζε timeout στο tls και δεν εμφάνιζε κάποιο πρόβλημα στο log.
Ίσως έχει σχέση με αυτό αν και αποφάσισα οριστικά να παίξω μόνο με tcp όπως παλιά.

26-04-22, 15:15
Είχα πρόβλημα με την σύνδεση σε 11άρια με udp.
Έβγαζε timeout στο tls και δεν εμφάνιζε κάποιο πρόβλημα στο log.
Ίσως έχει σχέση με αυτό αν και αποφάσισα οριστικά να παίξω μόνο με tcp όπως παλιά.

Απειχα λογο ταξιδιου και μεθαυριο που θα επιστρεψω θα τα διαβασω ολα.

Μου κανει ομως εντυπωση που δεν σου εκατσε το WG.

θα τα πουμε ομως στο σωστο νημα.

26-04-22, 18:18
Καλησπερα, για την beta υπαρχει ηδη θεμα, γιατι τα γραφετε ολα μαζι και μπερδευομαστε ?

- - - Updated - - -


02-05-22, 14:55
Stable release 7.2.2

What's new in 7.2.2 (2022-Apr-28 21:01):

*) bgp - added initial support for prefix limit;
*) bgp - improved stability when editing BGP template;
*) bonding - fixed LACP flapping for RB5009 and CCR2004-16G-2S+ devices;
*) ccr - added visible "passthrough" flag for interfaces on CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe;
*) ccr - usability and stability improvements for passthrough interfaces on CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe;
*) cd-install - allow selecting on which drive to install RouterOS;
*) conntrack - limited full Connection Tracking warning to 1 message per minute;
*) crs3xx - fixed storm rate on 1Gbps interfaces for CRS354 devices;
*) defconf - suggest user to set up new password;
*) dhcpv4-server - fixed minor logging typo;
*) fetch - improved full disk detection;
*) filesystem - fixed possible boot failure on RB850Gx2 and RB1100AHx2;
*) filesystem - improved long-term filesystem stability and data integrity;
*) gps - fixed minor value unit typo;
*) ipv6 - removed bogus commands from IPv6 neighbors menu;
*) l3hw - improved offloading for directly connected hosts on CRS305, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328, CRS318, CRS310;
*) l3hw - improved route table offloading for CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+, CRS354, CRS5xx, CCR2x16 devices;
*) leds - fixed ethernet LED behavior on wAP R ac;
*) leds - fixed wireless related LED behavior with WW2 package;
*) lte - added SMS sending support for MBIM protocol;
*) lte - added support for generic PXA1802 based modems;
*) lte - disabled wait for LTE auto attach;
*) lte - hide slave interfaces from export;
*) lte - improved stability when upgrading LTE firmware on Chateau 5G;
*) mlag - fixed MAC address moving between bridge ports;
*) mpls - do MPLS forwarding for nexthops without mappings;
*) mpls - fixed MPLS MTU and path MTU selection;
*) mpls - fixed MPLS forwarding after any interface configuration parameter is changed;
*) ospf - fixed GRE interface compatibility with OSPF;
*) ospf - improved stability when enabling or removing interface-template entries;
*) ovpn - fixed memory leak on TILE architecture;
*) ovpn - fixed packet processing on MT7621A;
*) ovpn - improved Windows client disconnect procedure in UDP mode;
*) ovpn - improved service stability when processing frequent disconnects in UDP mode;
*) ovpn - improved stability when forwarding traffic on TILE;
*) ping - fixed socket allocation after VRF change;
*) ppp - fixed "remote-ipv6-prefix" parameter unsetting;
*) ppp - fixed active sessions sometimes getting stuck;
*) ppp - fixed issue with multiple active sessions when "only-one" is enabled;
*) queues - improved stability in large list of queue scenarios;
*) rb5009 - fixed 10G linking issues with Intel X520, XXV710 NICs;
*) route - fixed "table" menu emptying after RouterOS upgrade;
*) route - fixed static routes in VRF becoming invalid after reboot;
*) route-filter - fixed community matchers;
*) rsvp-te - improved stability when "Resv" received for non-existing session;
*) supout - added RIP section;
*) system - fixed IP service initialization in VRF after system startup;
*) system - fixed rare partial loss of RouterOS configuration after package upgrade/downgrade/install/uninstall;
*) torch - properly capture all related IPv6 traffic;
*) upnp - improved stability when processing incomplete HTTP header;
*) vpls - fixed "pw-l2mtu" parameter usage;
*) vrf - fixed VRF leaking;
*) winbox - do not show "unknown" area under "Routing/OSPF/LSA" menu;
*) winbox - do not show type value for NXDOMAIN entries under "IP/DNS/Cache" menu;
*) winbox - made "Interface Templates" table sortable under "Routing/OSPF" menu;
*) winbox - properly clean up SFP module information after it is unplugged;
*) winbox - properly clean up disk after a failed file upload;
*) winbox - show PVID column by default under "Bridge" menu;
*) wireless - fixed EAP-TLS authentication;
*) wireless - fixed GUD version in 3gpp information;
*) ww2 - fixed VLAN tag handling;
*) x86 - improved support for i40e driver;
*) x86 - improved support for Intel E810 NIC;

02-05-22, 15:45

WARNING: Some users report bricked devices after updating if wifiwave2 is installed
(It says this has been fixed on 7.3b37 and 7.2.2 should not be used if wifiwave2 is used)

The Dude Server is now inside Extra packages for each supported platform.

03-05-22, 13:22
Τη περασατε εσεις αυτη? Εκτος απο το brick σε συσκευες με wifiwave2, βλεπω αρκετη γκρινια και λεω να την αφησω..........

03-05-22, 13:26
Τη περασατε εσεις αυτη? Εκτος απο το brick σε συσκευες με wifiwave2, βλεπω αρκετη γκρινια και λεω να την αφησω..........

Εγώ την πέρασα.
Δεν είδα κάτι να μην λειτουργεί στο conf μου.
wifiwave2 δεν χρησιμοποιώ.

03-05-22, 13:50
Ειμαι στην 7.2.1 και θα περιμενω λιγο ακομη.

Γενικα μας τα εχουν κανει μουσκεμα.

Δεν την απεσυραν κιολας ή τουλαχιστον να εβαζαν στο changelog ενα Warning

03-05-22, 13:57
Δεν την απεσυραν κιολας ή τουλαχιστον να εβαζαν στο changelog ενα Warning

Για την 7.2.2 λες;
Γιατί να την αποσύρουν;
Για το wave2;

03-05-22, 14:51
Ναι για την 7.2.2 λεω που μπρικαρει τα Μικροτικ οταν εχουν wave2 και αναβαθμιστουν.

- - - Updated - - -

Αντε να δουμε

What's new in 7.2.3 (2022-May-02 18:18):

*) system - fixed RouterOS bootup when wifiwave2 package is installed (introduced in v7.2.2);

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