Downloads: HTTrack Website Copier (x86-Win)

HTTrack Website Copier (x86-Win)

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Uploaded by no_logo - 19-02-06
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HTTrack is a free software and open source website copier and offline browser licensed under the GNU General Public License. It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. HTTrack is fully configurable, and has an integrated help system.

Changelog από την 3.33-->3.40

+ New: mms:// streaming capture (thanks to Nicolas Benoit!)
+ New: proxyTrack project released
+ New: new experimental parser that no longer needs link testing ('testing link type..')
+ New: Redirect handled transparently with delayed type check and broken links made external when the "no error page" option is enabled
+ New: improved background download to handle large sites
+ New: '--assume foo/bar.cgi=text/html' is now possible
+ New: MIME type scan rules (such as -mime:video/* +mime:video/mpeg)
+ New: size scan rules now allows to rewrite uncaught links as external links
+ Fixed: crash fixed when ftime()/localtime()==NULL
+ Fixed: iso-9660 option now using '_' for collision character
+ Fixed: collision problems with CaSe SeNsItIvItY
+ Fixed: a href='..' fixed!
+ Fixed: redirects are now handled by the new experimental parser
+ Fixed: "./" links generated with fixed outbound links (../../)
+ Fixed: 'base href' bogus in many cases
+ Fixed: enforce security limits to avoid bandwidth abuses
+ Fixed: bogus external (swf) parser, fixed remaining .delayed files
+ New: new check-mime and save-file2 callbacks
+ New: "always delayed type check" enabled
+ Fixed: totally bogus finalizer causing compressed files not to be uncompressed, and many files to be truncated
+ Shell: new Finnish interface added!
+ Fixed: "..html" bogus type
+ Fixed: remaining bogus .delayed entries
+ Fixed: flush before user-defined command
+ Fixed: fixed user-defined command call and background cleaner
+ Fixed: fixed 'Crash adding error, unexpected error found.. [4250]' error
+ Fixed: fixed cache absolute file reference (the reference is now relative) preventing the cache form being moved to another place
+ Fixed: webhttrack 'Browse Sites' path bug
+ Fixed: old httrack cache format fixes (import of older versions did not work anymore)
+ Fixed: port fixes in htsnet.h
+ Fixed: -N option with advanced extraction (bogus "not found" member)
+ Fixed: javascript: location=URL was not recognized
+ Fixed: no more character escaping when not needed (such as UTF-8 codes)
+ Fixed: possibly temporary files left on disk with bogus servers giving compressed content on HEAD reuests
+ Fixed: URL hack caused unexpected filename collisions (index.html vs INDEX.HTML)
+ Fixed: "do not erase already downloaded file" option now correctly works (it leaves files linked in the mirror)
+ Fixed: UCS2 encoded pages are now converted properly into UTF-8
+ New: "near" option now also catch embedded (images, css, ..) files
+ Fixed: bogus chunked multimedia link text files (such as x-ms-asf files)




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