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  1. #16
    CISCO 2901
    Η Hardware address (MAC Address) είναι ένα σταθερό νούμερο που καθορίζει την δικτυακή συσκευή και είναι παγκοσμίως αναγνωρισμένη από ΟΛΟΥΣ τους κατασκευαστές hardware. Από την άλλη, η "client-identifier" είναι μία "εφεύρεση" της Cisco που απλά δεν βγάζει νόημα !!
    Για ποιο λόγο η Cisco έφτιαξε την εντολή client-identifier ? και τι νόημα έχει να προσθέτει το 01 μπροστά από την MAC address, εφόσον μπορούσε απλά να χρησιμοποιεί την ίδια την MAC address ?
    Απλά είναι άλλο ένα παιχνίδι της Cisco για να μας κάνει τη ζωή δύσκολη, όπως πολλά άλλα....
    Προσωπικά δεν χρησιμοποιώ ΠΟΤΕ την εντολή client-identifier.

  2. #17
    Παράθεση Αρχικό μήνυμα από stinggr Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων
    Μάλλον κάνεις λάθος. Φυσικά βέβαια μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν και οι δύο τύποι, αλλά η cisco προτείνει το "hardware-address" στο configuration του DHCP static address mapping.


    Configuring DHCP Static Mapping
    The DHCP Static Mapping feature enables the assignment of static IP addresses (without creating numerous host pools with manual bindings) by using a customer-created text file that the DHCP server reads. The benefit of this feature is that it eliminates the need for a long configuration file and reduces the space required in NVRAM to maintain address pools.

    A DHCP database contains the mappings between a client IP address and the hardware address, which is referred to as a binding. There are two types of bindings: manual bindings that map a single hardware address to a single IP address, and automatic bindings that dynamically map a hardware address to an IP address from a pool of IP addresses. Manual (also known as static) bindings can be configured individually directly on the device or by using the DHCP Static Mapping feature. These static bindings can be read from a separate static mapping text file. The static mapping text files are read when a device reloads or the DHCP service restarts. These files are read-only.

    The read static bindings are treated just like the manual bindings, in that they are:

    Retained across DHCPRELEASEs from the clients.
    Not timed out.
    Deleted only upon deletion of the pool.
    Provided appropriate exclusions for the contained addresses, which are created at the time of the read.
    Just like automatic bindings, manual (or static) bindings from the static mapping text file are also displayed by using the show ip dhcp binding command.

    Perform this task to create the static mapping text file. You will input your addresses in the text file, which is stored in the DHCP database for the DHCP server to read. There is no limit to the number of addresses that can be stored in the file. The file format has the following elements:

    Database version number
    End-of-file designator
    Hardware type
    Hardware address <---------------------
    IP address
    Lease expiration
    Time the file was created
    See the following table for more details about the format of the text file.

    The following is a sample static mapping text file:

    *time* Jan 21 2005 03:52 PM
    *version* 2
    !IP address Type Hardware address Lease expiration /24 1 0090.bff6.081e Infinite /28 id 00b7.0813.88f1.66 Infinite /21 1 0090.bff6.081d Infinite
    Table 1 Static Mapping Text File Field Descriptions



    Specifies the time the file was created. This field allows DHCP to differentiate between the new and old database versions when multiple agents are configured. The valid format of the time is mm dd yyyy hh:mm AM/PM.

    *version* 2

    Specifies the database version number.

    IP address

    Specifies the static IP address. If the subnet mask is not specified, a mask is automatically assigned depending on the IP address. The IP address and the mask is separated by a space.


    Specifies the hardware type. For example, type “1” indicates Ethernet. The type “id” indicates that the field is a DHCP client identifier. Legal values can be found online at http:/​/​www.iana.org/​assignments/​arp-parameters in the “Number Hardware Type” list.

    Hardware address

    Specifies the hardware address.

    When the type is numeric, the type refers to the hardware media. Legal values can be found online at http:/​/​www.iana.org/​assignments/​arp-parameters in the “Number Hardware Type” list.

    When the type is “id,” the type refers to a match on the client identifier.

    For more information about the client identifier, see RFC 2132, DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions, section 9.14, located at http:/​/​www.ietf.org/​rfc/​rfc2132.txt, or the client-identifier command.

    If you are unsure about the client identifier to match with the hardware type, use the debug dhcp detail command to display the client identifier being sent to the DHCP server from the client.

    Lease expiration

    Specifies the expiration of the lease. “Infinite” specifies that the duration of the lease is unlimited.


    End of file. DHCP uses the *end* designator to detect file truncation.

    Configuring the DHCP Server to Read a Static Mapping Text File
    Configuring the DHCP Server to Read a Static Mapping Text File
    Before You Begin
    The administrator must create the static mapping text file in the correct format and configure the address pools before performing this task.

    Before editing the file, you must disable the DHCP server using the no service dhcp command.
    Πάντως, το link που παρέθεσες, άλλα αναφέρει.

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