Εμφάνιση 571-575 από 575
29-11-24, 13:01 Απάντηση: Mikrotik RouterOS v7 beta #571
| "Anyone can build a fast CPU.
| The trick is to build a fast system."
|____________Seymour Cray...
30-11-24, 21:19 Απάντηση: Mikrotik RouterOS v7 beta #572
Έχει να γίνει χαμός μόλις βγει παραγωγικά.
01-12-24, 02:00 Απάντηση: Mikrotik RouterOS v7 beta #573
03-12-24, 19:22 Απάντηση: Mikrotik RouterOS v7 beta #574
What's new in v4.0beta13:
*) implement opened windows list
*) implement global menu search
*) bump minimal macOS version to 12.0, because 11.0 is EOL and dropped by Qt
*) accept button with Enter/Return keys also on Windows and macOS
*) fix max u32 value processing on some fields
*) fix visual 1px bug in form's anchor panel
*) move form tab's icon to left side to not overlap with scrollbar
*) fix table comment column when in wrapped mode
*) make focused button element border more accented
03-12-24, 19:40 Απάντηση: Mikrotik RouterOS v7 beta #575
| "Anyone can build a fast CPU.
| The trick is to build a fast system."
|____________Seymour Cray...